This has to go to Jury this case- or you are correct the PEOPLE will not know and more children will die ..........

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Dear Dr Tenpenny,

Since you are my top doctor for natural healing I ask if you have anything to unblock plaque from carotid arteries? Mine are 40/50% blocked with stenosis in the 50%. I love reading your newsletters.

Thank you so much!

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Also cayenne pepper. About 1/4 teaspoon in water. Then work your way to more. Allegedly.

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No dairy—eggs, milk, cheese, lots of fruit and veggies and walk every day for about 45 minutes

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Dr Tenpenny

I very much respect your opinion, and was wondering if it is safe for a pregnant woman to take ivermectin? My daughter is pregnant and I wanted to check for her. We are in Australia.

Thank you

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The film is outstanding, chilling and essential if you are interested in truth about childhood vaxxes.

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Wakefield had to reinvent himself after his medical license was cancelled.

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And so would you... Big Pharma TROLL ;-)

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...for telling the truth ;-)

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Inoculated: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism by Kent Heckenlively relates a more complete understanding. Wakefield made an association between autism and intestinal infections connected to vaccines. The British version of the FDA twisted the facts to satisfy their cancellation of his license. The book also gives the details about CDC lies relating to a researcher that kept records of a study that everyone else there trashed that resurfaced after his conscience resurfaced. Those lies have become grist for those who need a reason to distrust the NGO CDC, which masquerades as a government agency like the Fed does.

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Wakefield identified ileolymphoid hyperplasia (a type of swollen lymph nodes) in the gut and measles fragments that were vaccine-strain measles

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"...intestinal infections..." Nope. It's common knowledge that the problem was vax-caused intestinal damage on a cellular level. Not "infections."

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I can only assume you didn't read the book, which is a permanent part of my library.

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"The book also gives the details about CDC lies relating to a researcher that kept records of a study that everyone else there trashed that resurfaced after his conscience resurfaced. " Yeah. I've read this stuff. William Thompson. Andy Wakefield wasn't finding "intestinal infections" that coincidentally just appeared out of nowhere, within hours of vaccinating kids with these poisons. If you're here trying to sow doubt as to the dangers of vaccines, you really should know that you're not fooling any of us and we aren't going to swallow your poison any more, either. Good luck, troll.

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