I wondered what happened to Pete Evans. Great interview Dr T. He's a good bloke and achieved much to navigate all the recent madness of our time. Love your work Sherri and thanks for sharing.

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This was very good and Philosophical conversation, I had added one more person to my circle to follow. It was quite severe pressure in Australia to take the jabs.

I have been in conversation with several people from there as well .

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Not a fan of the Paleo Diet--It flies in the face of the nutritional teaching of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Dean Ornish, Pam Popper and the many notable Whole Food Plant-Based doctors. Pete Evans is a charming person and glad he is doing so well. Grateful he did not take these jabs! It must have been hard for him to process this propaganda targeted at the population of Australia. Hopefully his spirituality evolves---to find Christ! Surf On!

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FWIW, I have never heard of Pete Evans.

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