My discernment regarding Elon Musk is the ...Same. TRUTH, WHAT is TRUTH ? What Ever Advances YOUR .... Agenda ! ! ! One Agenda is ...Buying people OFF. Every one has their , PRICE ! Boy , is this coming to ..FLUSION as true ! ! ! Both of you are my ...HEROS ! Tess and Lee, TOO !

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Please , someone, ESPECIALLY, Dr Tenpenny tell me WHY I should not be concerned when I saw Trump on TV ....introducing his consultant... who would advise him during his presidency. This was during his 4 year term. this really bothered me because I again heard Kissenger on CNBC while obama was president say that "they" were grooming obama to be the leader of the ...ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. I can not get these 2 Statements ..OUT of MY HEAD .

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Not watched it. Want to know if she will be slagging off Ana again first.

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Mike Adams poo-poos zeolite because it contains aluminum.

I contacted Touchstone and they claim it is inerrant and does not assimilate into the body. What is your take?

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