The C.I.A. essentially owns Rolling Stone and has for some time now.

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Watched with interest these two rock stars of the new Renaissance. Thank you both for the hopeful and illuminating conversation. Lot’s transpired in four short years that’s for sure. Friends, some of them, seem to have aged 10 or 15 years from the experience. I’m thankful to have come out the other side (of the longest two weeks in human history, to flatten the curve) but like many I paid an awfully steep price for it. The Steiner prediction quote seems to be in the cyber air lately, and is a bit spooky for obvious reasons. However, there is another, related one that also alluded to the obstacle presented by ‘the spiritual aroma of which is religion….’ Yes, all these annoying humans are in their way. And it’s been said aloud, on video seen by thousands over and over, by a man with an ark. Namaste to the shaman and the master storyteller!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

This is very good interview, appreciate acknowledgment, and by many other people that they decided to go against the system. Line I went against medical system and almost lost My profession, and I decided to be more smart about that.

Educated hundred if not thousand people about the jabs and scamdemic.

Educated people about WHO/ WEF/ DARPA/DOD etc. Most of my eastern European people didn’t take the jab after that and some of them were not able to come to this country and required to provide proof.

But they are smart. They bought up the paper.

I counted loss of many friends during that time.

And I lost my dear friend due to hospital protocol.

Almost was jailed when I was trying to get my dear friend and to speak up/was in foreign country when I was doing that.

I flew there to help try to extract out of the system.

It’s definitely a material story for the book

Thanks to many people that I met on my way including this desinfo dozen/conspiracy theorist I stayed afloat and up to speed with the data, science and the news/not fake news.

I was planning to write short narrative. It’s getting much longer that I would like to.

Thanks God for the people awaken up and thank you Dr. Tenpenny and many others for being, so brave !

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I can relate to what he said about the look in the eyes in a different way. I notice some medicated people have a very dull somewhat absent look in their eyes. They're not all there.

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I did speak up on Quora and took a lot of criticism and people saying things like that I was in favor of killing people. It's impossible to me that doctors, at the very least, didn't recognize that those cotton "designer" masks were doing nothing to protect anyone. I've invested in a few pharmaceutical start-ups and I know the process to get a drug approved for public use, and these vaccines were not adequately tested. A lot of people got rich by lying to us and they should be tried for crimes against humanity IMO.

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Actually, there is a lot of doctors that didn’t wear a mask, but they were kicked out of the job.

I was ready to leave my job, I was not wearing mask, and didn’t do anything government mandated etc. I was ready to lose my job as well, but God made me stay there to educate people, although I had some possibility much better than traditional medicine, which is not medicine but sick medicine.

Most of the people these days that did take jab regret that I help them with a detox protocol. But you are absolutely right the ones that go in for boosters are not even thinking critically.

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I love and treasure the person that Mikki is and what a beautiful family he has. His heartfelt gentle honest sharing is just so beautiful to me. The story about the blue bird's eye and how you describe what happened when it's soul left the body stirs love and compassion in my heart. Our souls are from God and no one can take them from us except God Almighty yet He called you back to witness it. Thank you Mikki, God is using you to wake up the world. You are awesome parents raising independent, caring, responsible sons. God Bless you and your family and future films. I hope you will be on with Dr. Tenpenny again soon.

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👌 it's all about consistency... 🙏

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I have a comment and question about homeschooling; Mikki is such an inspiration. I’ve tried to homeschool my 2 boys and also attended a school like mikki said his boys were in. But I can’t seem to break my conditioning that the kids need to receive “an accredited high school diploma”. So they are now 9th and 11th grade and working online Penn Foster “accredited” program, which dims their light. Should I keep pushing them through these horrible experiences or just let go of “the accredited diploma” indoctrination? I don’t want to harm their opportunity for future experiences by not “conforming”. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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Jul 12Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Have you pondered the likely path that all the conforming might lead to? I'm so turned off now by the treatment of students in grade school and college (lethal injections to attend) and realize that most of what they learn does not help them with their future. I think it's a good idea to take a hard look at this reality and see if you can come up with better alternatives. Mainstream everything now seems destructive and/or a joke.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself

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Yes, I agree completely, hence taking them out of public school years ago. My concern is if they want to join military (God forbid) or they may miss job ops without the “traditional” high school diploma.

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Unfounded fear

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Thank you. 🙏🌹

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Wow, spectacular interview. Where can we watch “Plandemic, the Musical”? Thank you 🙏

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Thank you, the first time I've watched your show, and I am blown away!

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Another good show. Gates ain't getting my soul.

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