What about hearing aids? My husband just got them after doing quite a lot of research that they were safe. His connect to his cell phone. That is how they are balanced. He is not concerned, but I am.

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These things look ghastly, see them all over Tucson

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Yes, it does.

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I think there should be a big petition to sue the FCC , too stop EMF.

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The Lord led me to start a mitigation EMF protection business June of 2020. This topic must continue to be talked about as these cell towers are the true evil of the world. This technology will and is being used to track and monitor our every move. Thank you for talking about this topic.


Redemption Shield

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Where have you gotten your training? You site seems to be mostly RF shielding and grounding. Personally, I would never ground myself in a heavily populated area because of all the ground current.

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Hi Kathleen.. there are thousands that ground and earth everyday and are sleeping better and see overall wonderful health benefits. It has changed my health tremendously and there is plenty of Doctors and Health professionals that have implemented grounding and earthing. Your missing out! Best of Health~

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No intent to shame anyone. Only stating what I do at my location and why.

The more I learn about EMFs (and it is plenty), the more I realize how complicated it is.

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Thank you Kathleen! It is a very challenging topic, being invisible! Sadly...

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Smartphones cannot be turned off. Turning them "off" only deactivates the screen and the buttons. Their cameras and microphones remain on and under the control of the cellular network they are assigned to. Anything their microphone hears and/or their cameras see is either stored in their memory or sent onto the network, unless they are put into airplane mode, which is the only way to stop one from emitting EMF.

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I physically detect emissions from smart phones both when "off" or when they are on airplane mode, My RF meters don't seem to register it but my body sure does. What is your experience, and what RF meters have you used to measure?

My 4G LTE TCL flip phone seems to be truly off when "off", though I have no idea what it may record while in that state. It is off nearly all the time and in an RF blocker bag.

My "head net" from lessemf.com worn over a cotton baseball cap gives my head a lot of protection (RF and electrical fields) that I can both measure and feel. Best money I have spent in years.

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Which RF meters do you own?

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An older Acoustimeter AM-10, the regular Safe and Sound Pro ll, both of which measures 200 MHz-8 GHz, and the new Safe and Sound Pro mmWave base model that measure 20 GHz-40 GHz. I think the S&S people are planning a meter to measure the 8 GHz-20 GHz range, but that engineering will take time. I started with Gigahertz Solutions HF35C around 2010. It only measures 800 MHz – 2.5 GHz, so I upgraded as wide ranges became available, and gave it away to someone who needed it.

I have some meters that measure electrical and magnetic fields, and they give widely conflicting readings, so they are either not sensitive enough, or I'm doing something wrong when I measure

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As compared to the professional monitoring devices that I used in my day to day employment in telecom, these devices are little more than simple field strength meters that monitor for any signal within a given frequency range and indicate a relative rather than a known field strength. Such devices are not calibrated as professional units are and have no use in professional venues.

There is a company called Stetzer Electric that sells a variety of devices to deal with what they call "dirty electricity," which is their name for the normal electrical environment where AC power is in use. They use a lot of verbiage designed to scare people into being concerned about things that electricians don't worry about. It wouldn't take more than a .001 uF ceramic capacitor, costing under a dollar, to "filter" the "dirty electricity" out of a power outlet that they sell a $40 plugin unit for.

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Of course these would not be used in professions like yours. They provide useful info for those needing to determine what may be causing physical symptoms that can be severe and often progressive.

Am familiar with how Stetzer filters work and what they can and cannot do. Some people are badly affected by "dirty electricity" i.e. conducted emissions. Some get symptomatic relief from Stetzers and many do not.

Phenomena that concern electricians overlap those that affect biological systems but are not subsets of each other. It doesn't help that governments and industry have been very active in suppressing research into biological effects manmade electromagnetic phenomena.

Tom Wheeler, Obama's FCC chair, was emphatic when announcing "5G", that there would be no investigation into health effects of the program. One can read an early history of Wheeler's role in industry suppression of this research in George Carlo's/Marin Schram's book, Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage. This explains why he is so dead set against proper research into technology that can provide benefit as well as terrible harm.

At least Dr. T and her buddies are bringing information to their readers, but I am so disappointed and aggravated that they have been misled and consequently mislead, about proper protections.

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I guess knowing about the value of inverse square law has none for you.

Royal Raymond Rife knew more about the effects of electromagnetic radiation than any modern radiologist is likely to learn.

Again, Dr, Devra Davis' video on cellphone radiation at youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY is worth watching, if you want to know what scientists have long known about "5G."

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I was chief engineer of three AM/FM radio pairs and a two-way radio technician after having been a transmitter engineer at a four tower 5kW directional station northeast of Denver for a year and a half. I sat at a desk four feet from the transmitter while on duty and got close enough to each 0f the four towers to touch them once a week while doing base current readings that were taken every day to make sure that the antenna monitor in the control room was giving correct readings. I was constantly in volt per meter RF field strengths while working there, to no ill effects. I was subsequently exposed to similar RF fields up to 450 MHz, again with no ill effects. Biological effects don't begin to appear until well above 500 MHz and all cellular begins above 2 GHz. Holding a cellphone to your head is like holding your head to the front of a microwave oven when it is in operation.

The inverse square law, which applies equally to RF energy of any frequency, shows that the power of any emission reduces by a quarter with every doubling of distance.

The perception of radio frequency energy which is not there is psychosomatic.

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thank you

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I'm glad I could dispel some ignorance.

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Thank you very much.

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Another item of suspicion is hearing aids.

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What is suspicious about hearing aids that don't emit any electromagnetic signals.

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Those with Bluetooth capability that use your phone.

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But do they talk to your phone or does your phone just talk to them?

If they talk to your phone, they transmit more regularly than is required to maintain the Bluetooth connection.

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My husband's new hearing aids talk to and receive from his cell phone. Wherever he "picks up" a call, it is hands-free, with all audio, coming and going, handled by the hearing aids and transmitted to/from the phone via Bluetooth.

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I guess the bottom line is that if they use a battery, they are not benign. IMO.

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It is more important that they not have a transmitter.

Bluetooth uses handshaking, a continuous send and receive process, to maintain its links.

Wireless mice use something similar, but they aren't in proximity to the sensitive nerve cells in the inner ear, nor do they need to receive a signal.

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I’ve been wondering. They’re blue tooth

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Do they talk back or just respond to incoming commands?

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That's a good point, Penny. I didn't think about that.

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So It’s not all in my head that I feel physically “off” when I go to an NBA basketball game with a perpetual bombardment of light, sound & 10,000 cell phones working all around me?

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Not totally, but not provably without more sophisticated instrumentation in a controlled environment.

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The smart phones are undoubtedly a factor. Many sports stadiums also have WiFi repeaters installed under some seats. Probably true about arenas like for basketball.

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What would you need a wifi repeater under a seat for smartphones?

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I can't imagine but I have read this relating to "5G" capable smart phones. What info can you provide us?

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There might be 5G base stations scattered throughout public venues but their transmitting power wouldn't need to be any more than the 100 milliwatts used by Bluetooth® Low Energy, which operates on an unlicensed band around GHz. The more power a transmitter emits, the higher the likelihood that it will cause harmful interference to a incident receiver.

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No, I wouldn't say its all in your head. It has to be all this stuff around us. I don't know if it helps, but I unplug my router in the living room every night before I go to sleep.

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Maybe you should know where you parked your car before you walk out of sight of it.

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Why not go totally wired? That's what we all experienced in the early days of internet. MUCH safer, and more secure I am told.

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That obviously wouldn't work well for cellphones.

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This is what I also heard. It might be the way to go!

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It's what the real experts tell you.

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The real experts will tell you to go with fiber optics.

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For sure, fiber optics if that is an option. "Wired" would include anything not wireless.

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You're right

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Dr, Devra Davis' video on cellphone radiation at youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY is worth watching.

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Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny. Has anybody else on here used the emfsol.com products?

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"Ionic radiation, such as X-Rays and Nuclear power, are EMFs and have long been known to damage cells and DNA. But Non-Ionic radiation, such as Cell Phones, Wi-Fi, and even Powerlines was a mystery until 2013. Something called “Voltage Gated Calcium Channels” (VGCCs) inside of our cells are malfunctioning," simplifies layman's terms into non-reality.

Nuclear radiation is particulate, not electromagnetic. Whatever "ionic radiation" might be, it is confusing to refrain from calling it ionizing radiation, which describes it by describing its effects.

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Thanks. I assume then, that you are not using these products and most likely would never use them. Is that correct?

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Observing the inverse square law is a better solution to the problems caused by electromagnetic radiation. The best way to do that is to stop carrying cellphones and stop using wireless systems in your home.

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I have all of them and use them

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And that is why I had to stop watching your otherwise excellent Critically Thinking. I believe you are a person of integrity, but you have been sorely misled by people who either are too ignorant or unethical to trust in this matter.

Things like EMFsol stimulate your body, making you feel better temporarily. When the body can no longer respond to the stimulation, the feeling goes away. EMFsol and similar products do not protect you from damage.

Eliminating indoor personal RF sources like WiFi, cell phones, cordless phones and baby monitors, filtering and shielding from Smart meters, and correcting wiring errors is how maximum protection can be reached. You have a duty to your followers to get properly informed on this subject rather than spreading things like EMFsol.

Think back a few months about one of the two men you interviewed re EMF problems and call the older of the two for some honest and expert education.

I expect you will have this comment deleted.

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Thanks. I did see that you use them. I'm so skeptical of lots of things at this point. The only reason I'm looking at these products is because of your recommendation. I watched you early on, at the beginning of Vaccines, etc...and was a little skeptical of your views at that point and low and behold...you were right about most everything. Anyway, thanks for the article. My wife and I are thinking about these products now...

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See my comment (that may have been deleted ) above. I have tried lots of things like these and they do not protect you. Get a proper evaluation from an expert certified Baubiologist and do it right. You won't spend more money and you will get some real protection.

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Thanks, Kathleen. We are already doing all the other things you mentioned above...so we're probably good...but we're always looking for optimal health and have concerns about 5g. The EMFSol products do seem "too good to be true."

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So much thoughtful and well-organized information to digest here. Thank you, Dr. T. It's been told many times that a good doctor is always concerned with the welfare of their patients. Sherri, thank GOD, we have you as ours.

GOD bless you!

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Excellent Article, thank you for sharing this, no one will listen to me.

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Do you think Covid vaccines are an amplifier, making the effects of EMFs even worse?

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The blood microscopy of Ana Mihalcea and David Nixon show plenty of conducive material in/from the C shots. If this material does not actually amplify, common sense would make you think they have to attract anything electrical.

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I do. Go compare pictures of the hotspots of Covid and the clusters of 5G towers.

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There is certainly a correlation. Twenty six + years observing chemtrails has taught me they are loaded more and more with what I crudely call "Bags of Shit" (BoS). The "Bags" are large organisms like fungi or parasites, or carriers like hydrogels. The "Shit" is pathogens and/or toxins hiding inside. Hulda Clark introduced the concept in her many books entitled "The Cure for all______". The new frequencies of 5G and increased signal strengths from so many new antennas damage tissues and "Bags", releasing plenty of "Shit" that makes us sick.

When this C mess started, I had to figure out how to detect the "virus" using my muscle testing. The 3-10-20 and 3-12-20 Medcram and later Didier Raoult videos on YouTube solved the prevention and early treatment aspects. I also figured out how to muscle test for all types of white blood cells, to be alerted of infection as early as possible. In mid April, my Natural Killer cell energy was elevated, apparently caused by "C". Exploring exposure, I discovered it was in a/some BoS that had been inside me since 2015. Other people had the same BoS, either since 2015 or 2018. Result? I didn't get sick and appear to have ample antibodies and T memory cells.

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Emfsol.com talks about the calcium and cells issue that Dr. Pall went over.

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You can be sure that is not the only abnormal physiological mechanism happening. Research on damaging effects of EMFs has been suppressed since the 1970s.

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Excellent podcast. Thx!

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Your welcome!

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