I read Dr Ana's posts often, but those who write daily LONNNG substacks? It's like drinking from a fire hose. That's why I write one substack PER WEEK

BTW - This isn't about her work which everyone seems to want to tell me about. I respect what she does, but I wrote this substack in defense to that the MSM has been smearing me with for more than two years: I believe there are legitimate reasons for those magnetic pictures.

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Dear Sherri Tenpenny, Thank you for being on Substack! I am a grandmother and I, like so many readers, gasp for air often when I read Substack, My heartbeat goes up, I feel dread and often I go to bed wounded, exasperated, thinking about the children and grandchildren.

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Interesting comment, Piki. I understand, really I do - and I sometimes feel like that myself. Keep focused on the Lord. It's really all that matters. Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go; when he is old, he will not depart from it.

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I just purchased a Hydrogen Water Machine , now I have concerns about using it. Does anyone else have one? What are your thoughts?

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I accept everything in your article as true and correct except this:

"According to researcher, Kira Smith:

“Graphene oxide can interact with electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic microwaves. It can self-assemble in solutions (hydrogels) to form electronic nanocircuits and nanonetworks. The collected signals can be sent through a gateway to the Internet using the 5G network processors and quantum computers. The ultimate goal would be to store what we call "consciousness", in perpetuity."

This is TOTALLY FALSE. Graphene and GO will assemble into nanotubes, which are nothing more than a cylinder of hexagonal arrangements of atoms. No nanocircuits or nanonetworks. For something like that to take place would at the very least require a very clean and specialized medium. The body is notoriously dirty, and the medium would be toxic to human flesh. There are no signals. This cannot interact with 5G in any way but the most primitive (possibly heating, for example).

This myth probably originated with La Quinta Columna. I have called them on it. They don't have the expertise to make that claim. It may have been planted to discredit opposition to the Covid shots. Please do not repeat this lie. Please. All it does is make us look foolish to those in the know.

My background to make these statements: married for 52 years to a genius in both computer hardware and software, and learned as much as I could from him. He founded a company that is now a household name, and visited a clean room in Malaysia where they manufacture computer chips for CPUs. He described this to me in detail. These clean rooms are SO clean that even dust is not allowed. There is decontamination of all who enter, who must be fully suited. This is the kind of environment required for assembly of circuits, and it involves doping a pure silicon wafer. No self assembly. We don't have that kind of technology. People hope we WILL someday. I did extensive online research as well.

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A lot of people would disagree with what you've said. I also have done a lot of research on this, including the magnetic charges. There are entire textbooks on it. I just don't have it in me to debate that points now.

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Dr. Tenpenny, thank you for your response. As I said, I agree with most. But there are no nanocircuits. Graphene makes hexagonal patterns. Quadrilateral forms have been claimed as being nanocircuits contain no circuitry. I have looked at the photos. Some people have pointed out these are salt crystals. Dr. Cole said they are cholesterol crystals. But again, I agree with you about the magnetic charges.

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Dear Dr Tenpenny, I was excited to read this post, as I believe I have a magnetic spot in my arm, not from the cv shot, but from the flu shot that I got in the fall of 2020. I didn’t want to get it, and asked my husband not to get it, because I was already highly suspicious of the cv shot that was about to come out, and the flu shots were made by the same companies, so why should I trust them! My husband took the flu shot anyway, so I thought we should be on the same wavelength, otherwise I would blame him forever for what might happen. I had an extra sore spot at the injection sight that has never gone away. Later on, when the reports came out the people were experiencing magnetic responses, I got curious if I might have magnetism. I did! And I still do, to this day. It is only at the injection sight. Makes me angry. I asked one doctor if he could remove the little lump and he refused, probably because I told him what I suspected!

I am a grandma, and we don’t get much respect🥴

Thank you for your posts and your faith. You are a wonderful doctor!❣️

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thank you, Betty. Much appreciated.

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Thank you for citing my article!

We know the vaccines were also contaminated with steel particles that were attracted to magnets.

And magnetic beads may have been used in mRNA vaccine production.


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I just watched. Video on RUMBLE, where a magnet was attaching to Walmarts beef products

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Dear Dr Tenpenny.

We did much work on this subject and made several short films.

The v-induced magnetism was verified by doctors.

We also made a national warning emailing every UK surgery concering the magnetism we were witnessing and documenting and MRIs.

The films can be seen here: www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/magnetism

It would be great to make contact.

Best wishes

Mark Playne

Not On The Beeb

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I appreciate and admire everything you said to the Ohio Health Committee in June 2021. I uploaded the video in Sept. 2021 and people still watch:

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny to Ohio Health Committee: "Enact Vax Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act"


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Thanks Dr. T. Fascinating & alarming article.

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Sorry ... forgot the link: file:///C:/Users/Gateway%20User/Documents/Bountiful%20Living/ADVOCACY%20WORK/Vaccines/CV/nano/NNI/research_directions_1999.pdf

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National Science and Technology Council 1999 report: Nanotechnology Research Directions

Please go to Ch. 8 p. 107-110. From p. 109: "Using biological systems as a model, scientists are attempting to build ever more complex systems that are capable of self-assembly....Spider silk is one of the strongest materials known. Its molecular structure is being used to design better composite polymer systems of increasing strength and utility." Spiderman.

Also on p. 109: "Nanoparticles considerably smaller than one micron in diameter have been used in

revolutionary ways to deliver drugs and genes into cells." Back in 1999 they were using nano to transfect. How much gene mod of God's creation have they done by now?!

"The particles can be combined with chemical compounds that are ordinarily insoluble and difficult for cells to internalize. The derivatized particles can then be introduced into the bloodstream with

little possibility of clogging the capillaries and other small blood vessels, as in the case of

insoluble powders." Uh ... don't think that's going to well.

Cont's on to p. 110: "The precise pattern and periodicity of the tiles can be modified by altering DNA sequence, allowing the formation of specific lattices with programmable structures and features at a nanometer scale. This approach has the potential to lead to the use of designed DNA crystals as scaffolds for the crystallization of macromolecules, as materials for use as catalysts, as molecular sieves, or as scaffolds for the assembly of molecular electronic components or biochips in DNA-based computers." Think that should do it for the naysayers re. "biochips."

Pg. 110: "Devices that are currently in use to control the interactions of DNA on surfaces can have

broader applications for controlling nanoassembly. These devices use electric fields to control the movement of particles toward or away from microscopic sites on the device surface. Charged biological molecules (DNA, RNA, protein) and analytes, cells, and other nanoscale or microscale charged particles can be precisely organized." Electric fields ... like all of the "G's" ... 2/3/4/5G & on into 6/7G.

262 page doc FULL of MUCH detail. Suggest saving a copy before it disappears. Part of the long term Nat. Science Foundation Nat. Nano Initiative.

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Thank You for writing this.

People I know have laughed at the magnet theory, but their reasoning is flawed because they tried sticking something heavy on their arm.

This won't work cause gravity is stronger on a heavy object.

I used a small 1/2 inch circle of magnetic automotive door sign material on a friend and ZAP, it stuck and he still didn't believe me. He said I put glue on it. I proved there was no glue because it didn't stick elsewhere and he still was in denial.

What I am most curious about is these videos of spinners dying from a 5G phone being used by or near them.

The claim is that 5G is amplified to penetrate into large concrete or steel buildings to reach the phone.

I bought a new phone recently and made sure it was only 4G. Don't want to chance killing a nearby guinea pig!

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When I've seen those "spinners" my first thought was something was in their brain, near their 11th cranial nerve that supplies the sternocleidomastoid muscle (which makes your head turn to the side) - and that something "external" was stimulating it - and also causing a seizure. I have no proof of this - just watched dozens of those videos and assessed them anatomically.

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Sad to watch. They seem to as all look high over their right shoulder, spin and drop dead instantly. Many people say that it is all an act to make a video. They fall to hard on concrete floors for it to be an act.

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Gee, after all this assuming that the flood of note pads, pens, and other promotional things seen in many doctors' waiting rooms, along with pharmaceutical industry propaganda in television, radio, and magazine ads, we are now to believe that it is all meant to educate the physicians who seldom if ever get any of their information from those sources, preferring to receive it on lavish cruises hosted by eye candy pharmaceutical reps?

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haha! great comment!

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I wish that Substack would return to the thread so I could see it.

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You might try looking up the differences among diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic materials. Graphene oxide does not exhibit significant ferromagnetism and microgram quantities of it, placed under the skin, have no chance of creating the strong magnetic field required for heavy steel objects to stick. You would need a fairly large neodymium magnet surgically placed under the skin to do this. If graphene oxide could do what neodymium magnets do, we would be making electric motors out of graphene and would not be reliant on China to mine the rare earths.

So I’m filing the magnetism of the shots under “easily disprovable theories mixed in with legitimate concerns in order to discredit truth-tellers”.

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Could someone then please build a functional electric motor with no permanent magnets except graphene oxide? (Use all the water you want if that helps)

Why zero in on all this improbable and unimportant stuff, instead of focusing on actionable, important information like evidence of all the vaccine harms?

Why waste the precious, fragile credibility of the vaccine-skeptical movement on speculation about some steel sticking to people's skin? (That sounds uncomfortable, by the way)

Build a lab in your garage and prove that the stuff is a powerful ferromagnetic material! Show it works, don't sit at your keyboard and overthink. Then make a video and we'll all watch. Good luck!!

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I'm going to write a substack in the future about nanomagnatism in medicine.

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Just so we understand exactly what you are saying: do you deny that any vaccinees have experienced magnetic phenomena (magnets sticking to the skin over their injection sites) after injection? Is that correct? Are you alleging that all of the testimonials and videos alleging magnetism after CV19 injection are fraudulent?

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Are you familiar with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD research? You may want to add her to your list of sources. She is only one that I have been getting info from. She is full time research and treatment, and not funded. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I've already commented on this. thank you.

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