This is a very interesting perspective but I don't see the "allure" of 15 minute cities. I see the allure to our controllers who obviously miss the ghettos of WW2 and how easy it was to keep people contained - and then round them up for the camps once everyone was inside. Of course it won't be labour this time as Millennials and Gen Z haven't come across labour, yet. Still, someone may be having a joke as they were the people who rolled out the red carpet to usher this in... (And are still rolling.)

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"They" introduced a blight on chestnut trees when they noticed people surviving on them during the depression. Now the new thing is kill everything and plant conifers.

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I hadn't though of this angle before, but of course you're right. How do these people not notice that they are Satan's little helpers? 😂🤣 I wonder what they had against elm?

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We know they have weaponized the food with GMO's, pesticides, Billy gates preservatives ( ? ), deadly chemical coatings on cooking utensils. They are not "eugenicists ". They are mass .urderers. im still banned for my comments, posts, texts from 4 years ago. In Feb 2020 i began, until banned, to say, " The covid scam is terrorism and those who promote it are terrorists. Without a doubt they are killing us and getting even richer doing it. Still, some have been given a great delusion, denial in order to continue with their destructive behavior.

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Well said.

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As Russell Means said in 2012 in his last interview, "We are all Indians, and we are all on the reservation".

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Well said, very well said.

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Folks we are facing EXTREME PERIL!! And this out of control, vile, Criminal Gov't wants us controlled like beaten down Indians on crappy reservations. It is all about them controlling literally Every aspect of our lives. Sitting back like impotent clowns - how has that worked out for us my brothers and sisters seriously? We either fight back and resist via any means or we will end up caged and ultimately DEAD at the hands of this puke so called gov't.

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They are free.

If you are a paid subscriber, it’s $7/mon. YOU HAVE TO CANCEL N

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Winner of the 2015 American Book Award, AN INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, copyright 2014 Beacon Press www.beacon.org.

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Honestly I dunno how anybody's going to STOP this. Putting a once-and-for-all stop to Bill Gates comes to mind.

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Do we need any more proof that government hates the citizen?

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They hate God and those created in His image. People who hate God love death and people who love death hate God. Pretty clear cut.

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What would happen if Euro Americans honoured the treaties they made with Indigenous people on both sides of the border ie Canada and USA? That’s the big question!

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What would happen if the Indian reservations were dissolved and the Native people were “set free” to prosper in their own right like the rest of us.

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Jefferson believed the native people would be excited to join the confederation of American states as active, full fledged participants in our once great experiment of America. Guess he got that one wrong. That or his PR people couldnt get it done.

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Jan 27, 2024
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I live in northern NY and there's Indian nations up here. What Dr. Tenpenny described w/ respect to poverty, domestic violence and addiction is very true, and let's not forget , illiteracy.

To add insult to injury, the Indian nations have special carve outs to sell tax-free tobacco, pot and run gambling casinos but the monetary proceeds never seem to help the people at large. Guess it goes into the pockets of those running the businesses.

What we're looking at, imo, is generational demoralization. These people are psychology broken and with that comes all the coping behaviors (listed above). And this has been happening for about 150 years. They have never integrated with American society and are truly stuck in a psycho-eco-socio corner. It's very sad. These are great people, or so I see from the few I know casually. At this point, they need a lot of social services and a solid, long-term support network to give a hand up to the youngest generation in hopes of ever breaking this cycle.

Personally ... I think if they ran campgrounds with the land deeded to their nations, they'd make much money. Camping, since COVID, has burgeoned in popularity up here. NYS campgrounds hasn't enough inventory! Just an after thought.

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My Canadian relatives have told me they believe the native people have been using the reservations to import, cache, transport, sell weapons, advanced weapons for bad guys. How they know, why they say that, I dont know.

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Yes, I heard that too and it was in a video I watched about an hour after I posted here called "Live: Showdown at the Texas Border" by Chuck Holton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_eaA7TKj3I

And it's not surprising given Native American resentment, poverty and our blatanly lawless current culture.

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Jan 28, 2024
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Hi, whilst researching tribal donations to abortion years ago,it looked to me like the modernist tribes were paying non-Indians back. Well, that mindset dovetails into the U.N. / Sustainable Dev. Goals. More “Indian Activism and Agenda 21” https://ahiddenhistory.substack.com/p/indian-activism-and-agenda-21

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You should have put in the piece about Stalin Starving the people in Ukraine in the 1930-1933 Killing up to 8 million via starvation. Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe. Its like our Corn belt .

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Or the British starving the Irish during the Potatoe Famine.

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Yes that’s right forgot that is why the Irish had to immigrate to the United States

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the Holodomor

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Perhaps you would like to pen an article on that subject?

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Can’t cover all of history in one article!!!

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So true.

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Our "government" has declared war----on US.

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And 99.999% of us have done what: Absolutely NOTHING!

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Do they even know their "government" has declared war on them?

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Remember when they confiscated the lands of the 5 Civilized Nations in spite of “legal” treaties? Then shot all the buffaloes with Springfield Buffalo riffles to starve the Indians into living in concentration camps rebranded as “reservations”? Remember when FDR rounded up all Japanese Americans into camps and confiscated all their properties?


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I think we should stop calling them "15 minute cities" and call them what they really would be. Let's all start calling them "15 minute ghettos". Remember, it's all about control. We should also get a movement going to prevent immense portions of our agricultural land being owned by one owner.

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I think we should call them reservations or camps. Both connotate their real mission.

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