Ive just read my 1st substack Dr Sherri our amazing God who sent his Son to die on that cross for the sins of the world that we would believe in Him Jesus and recieve eternal life and live our life's for him only by his grace n mercy for a fallen world we are saved thank you Jesus. That even when we sin and confess and repent of our sins we are forgiven over & over what a mighty God we serve Amen. Also my heart is heavy as all my family and many of our friends have taken this poison even though I spoke up last Christmas and told my family and my daughters inlaws that these jabs were experimental and affect your DNA and that I would not be jabbed but my son in law studied science and said I was wrong they didn't believe me so they have all taken the jabs until now all are ok except my daughter in law who was pregnant and started bleeding a lot and had big clots had to be hospitalised for bed rest they didn't know why she was bleeding 😡 and hoped they baby would make 36wks she was born 26wks 6days she had breathing problems and was on oxygen foe 3mths and had trouble breast feeding she couldn't latch on so had to be given her milk by tube then a nurse was attending Quinn and found that one of her arms at the shoulder wasn't right they thought she the baby had dislocated it she then had xray and said it had righted itself but what they didn't realise with Quinn being so small was she couldn't move her arm then they thought she had palsy ! after this she was called back to see the head surgeon he examined her and said she has a dead nerve in her arm so now they are going to do a 5hr surgery to remove the nerve and replace it with a tendon from her leg but first she has to go back this month to check her heart n lungs to be sure she is strong enough for this 5hr op. I know this was the jabs that started all the bleeding and baby Quinn arriving so soon she didn't even have enough fluid in the womb our little darling is doing well and gives lots of smiles as you may see on my profile pic please pray for Quinn that this op will be successful 🙏

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Although I wish you were my sister, whom I could share a cup of coffee with and converse on a daily basis, I am grateful you are my sister in Christ! You are a beautiful soul! Merry Christmas Dr. Tenpenny!

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thank you Kathy - I feel the same for you and for so many! Not enough hours or enough of me to go around. God Bless!

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Yes Glory to God. Thank You Lord for the new life offered though our Saviour. In the name of Jesus amen

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Easy to look it up. That’s what I did when I was informed.

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Christmas is Nimrod’s birthday. Not Jesus Christ. The whole thing is a fake and a fraud like everything the controllers have told us about history. He was born in September. Probably the 11th. This the mass blood sacrifice in 2001.

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Nimrod's birthday... really? can you send me info on that?

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Beautiful! Merry Christmas!

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So much love to you Dr. Tenpenny !!!!!

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You are truly a Gift from God! May God keep & Bless You! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Stay Strong & Stay Faithful Patriot!

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Merry Christmas to You & Yours! Sherri. Cheers! 1Love!

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God Bless you Dr. Tenpenny. Both Julia and I appreciate all you do for humanity. Keep fighting for truth and righteousness. We are with you

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Amen! Thank you Dr. Tenpenny. God bless, in Christ.

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Merry Christmas, Dr. T....God Bless you always🙏

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Amen. Merry Christmas

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Blessed Christmas!

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Merry Christmas to you and God's blessings. You have helped to sustained me through this unbelievable time in our lives.

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Christmas blessing to you Dr. Tenpenny. You give me HOPE ...

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