As if the making of the "vaccine" was not barbaric enough, the end product is at best 25% effective and often kills elderly recipients. Is it any wonder that people do not trust their doctors or Big Pharma's products? When my doctor asks during my annual visits if I'm up to date on all of my "vaccines", I want to reply: Are you crazy or just stupid?
We wonder why so many children/people are allergic to eggs, peanuts, and a whole bunch of other stuff... just look at what Big Pharm uses in the "vaccines". The average person does not know what is actually in the substance that's being "shot right into their blood stream" (Bill Gates). It's amazing that the same people who wouldn't eat a mystery soup if you didn't tell them what it was, will happily either bend over or roll up their sleeve to let someone shoot something into their body as long as that person is wearing a lab coat... a substance that will stay with them the rest of their life. Sigh.
I’m sure you will also mention the traces of glyphosate from the chicken feed given to the hens who lay these eggs. Interesting as glyphosate is toxic to the gut wherein lies the bulk of our immune response!
While our Veterinarian is a family friend of many years, he is a stickler, (no pun intended) for vaccinations.
Last rabies shots he gave one of our little dogs began crying in pain a few days later. We drove over 125 miles one way to an 24-7 animal ER on a Sunday. $2000 for an all day long diagnosis that I discovered on the WEB while waiting that his symptoms were caused by the rabies shot, which isn't that uncommon.
They saved our dog and he is fine now but I never told our local vet friend.
I remember reading the True History of the Rabies Vaccine, to profit off of pet owners to bring pet in for a shot annually to local vet, to sell the shot and sell everything else. If you must get a rabies shot, one protects for a lifetime. Additional shots damage the immune system. Get creative to avoid. May have to go to different vet each time. Usually best to go out of your county, and sign in with a real address in the county of the vet. They do not need your real address. Just fill in the form with a real address in their county. Tell them already got the shot within 12 months, please take care of this issue at hand. Avoid all the shots now, pet shots are toxic, all of them. If you want to prevent a disease, look for a Nosode. I purchased the Rabies Nosodes, the Distemper Nosodes and the Parvo Nosodes. Learn more at with Dr Will Falconer who has a Truth Rabies Course. The basic course is Free, the really involved course there is a fee, but it is worth learning to protect your pets as a Guardian Angel, you will know everything about Rabies and the Rabies Shot, so you will be very informed. Dr Will Falconer was the Rabies Specialty Vet in Hawaii years ago, so he knows the ins and out of the Rabies lies told on TV news and to vets trying to overvaccinate your pets for Profit NOT for Protection
Very interesting. I had read in the past, as I remember, a vaccine manufacturer exemployee. Read the vaccine industry uses a lot of free unwanted cats from shelters and take fluid from the brain stem, etc, while the cat is alive with no numbing and use those feline fluids in certain vaccines, the cat eventually dies a severely painful death from this. Read that is why so many have allergies around cats... Also read they use unwanted free shelter dogs the same way so that is why some that received a canine based vaccine will have allergies towards dogs. And they also use horses for their brain stem fluid, again horse is alive with no pain relief till the animal dies. Again why some have allergies around horses. Read the vaccine industry treats so many animals so horrifically to take their live fluids. How the vaccine industry treats animals to steal their bodily fluids is horrific. Another reason to avoid all vaccines. And of course Vegans must avoid most all vaccines because most vaccines contain animal fluids, whether from chickens, cats, dogs, horses, etc...Absolutely terrible inhumane treatment of animals. But why would anyone want any of these toxins or live viruses injected into their body in the first place. The wealthy do Not vaccinate their babies, children or themselves. The elite only invest in vaccines. Vaccines are for the masses, Not the classes.
How inhumane are these people who kill poor helpless baby chicks in order to create a poison injection to be administered to others. No wonder they took all those eggs from the farmers ... a cheap way to procure unborn baby chicks for their putrid jabs. This process is so loathsome, I couldn't even finish reading the article. God is not pleased, not by a long shot! 😡
Where are the PETA people in all this? It shows they are nothing more than political pawns.
Male Chicks Are the Forgotten Victims of the Egg Industry
As if the making of the "vaccine" was not barbaric enough, the end product is at best 25% effective and often kills elderly recipients. Is it any wonder that people do not trust their doctors or Big Pharma's products? When my doctor asks during my annual visits if I'm up to date on all of my "vaccines", I want to reply: Are you crazy or just stupid?
Listener question on graphene and nanotech explored answered:
How evil the evil are in their evil work it is beyond comprehension.
God will destroy these evil heartless whatever they are.
We wonder why so many children/people are allergic to eggs, peanuts, and a whole bunch of other stuff... just look at what Big Pharm uses in the "vaccines". The average person does not know what is actually in the substance that's being "shot right into their blood stream" (Bill Gates). It's amazing that the same people who wouldn't eat a mystery soup if you didn't tell them what it was, will happily either bend over or roll up their sleeve to let someone shoot something into their body as long as that person is wearing a lab coat... a substance that will stay with them the rest of their life. Sigh.
This reads like a horror show...which it truly is.
I’m sure you will also mention the traces of glyphosate from the chicken feed given to the hens who lay these eggs. Interesting as glyphosate is toxic to the gut wherein lies the bulk of our immune response!
And yet, still no gold standard proof that virus exist. Also utter failure to prove pathogenicity. Psuedoscience.
While our Veterinarian is a family friend of many years, he is a stickler, (no pun intended) for vaccinations.
Last rabies shots he gave one of our little dogs began crying in pain a few days later. We drove over 125 miles one way to an 24-7 animal ER on a Sunday. $2000 for an all day long diagnosis that I discovered on the WEB while waiting that his symptoms were caused by the rabies shot, which isn't that uncommon.
They saved our dog and he is fine now but I never told our local vet friend.
I remember reading the True History of the Rabies Vaccine, to profit off of pet owners to bring pet in for a shot annually to local vet, to sell the shot and sell everything else. If you must get a rabies shot, one protects for a lifetime. Additional shots damage the immune system. Get creative to avoid. May have to go to different vet each time. Usually best to go out of your county, and sign in with a real address in the county of the vet. They do not need your real address. Just fill in the form with a real address in their county. Tell them already got the shot within 12 months, please take care of this issue at hand. Avoid all the shots now, pet shots are toxic, all of them. If you want to prevent a disease, look for a Nosode. I purchased the Rabies Nosodes, the Distemper Nosodes and the Parvo Nosodes. Learn more at with Dr Will Falconer who has a Truth Rabies Course. The basic course is Free, the really involved course there is a fee, but it is worth learning to protect your pets as a Guardian Angel, you will know everything about Rabies and the Rabies Shot, so you will be very informed. Dr Will Falconer was the Rabies Specialty Vet in Hawaii years ago, so he knows the ins and out of the Rabies lies told on TV news and to vets trying to overvaccinate your pets for Profit NOT for Protection
The problem with the rabies vaccine is that several states require it before they will spay or neuter your dog or cat.
ie the vet’s will not do any surgeries w/o proof of rabies vaccine, that’s criminal because rabies is still fairly rare in occurrence.
Very interesting. I had read in the past, as I remember, a vaccine manufacturer exemployee. Read the vaccine industry uses a lot of free unwanted cats from shelters and take fluid from the brain stem, etc, while the cat is alive with no numbing and use those feline fluids in certain vaccines, the cat eventually dies a severely painful death from this. Read that is why so many have allergies around cats... Also read they use unwanted free shelter dogs the same way so that is why some that received a canine based vaccine will have allergies towards dogs. And they also use horses for their brain stem fluid, again horse is alive with no pain relief till the animal dies. Again why some have allergies around horses. Read the vaccine industry treats so many animals so horrifically to take their live fluids. How the vaccine industry treats animals to steal their bodily fluids is horrific. Another reason to avoid all vaccines. And of course Vegans must avoid most all vaccines because most vaccines contain animal fluids, whether from chickens, cats, dogs, horses, etc...Absolutely terrible inhumane treatment of animals. But why would anyone want any of these toxins or live viruses injected into their body in the first place. The wealthy do Not vaccinate their babies, children or themselves. The elite only invest in vaccines. Vaccines are for the masses, Not the classes.
Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny. I follow you and am so grateful for your knowledge.
How inhumane are these people who kill poor helpless baby chicks in order to create a poison injection to be administered to others. No wonder they took all those eggs from the farmers ... a cheap way to procure unborn baby chicks for their putrid jabs. This process is so loathsome, I couldn't even finish reading the article. God is not pleased, not by a long shot! 😡
If they aren't troubled by using aborted HUMAN fetal stem cells then what makes you think they would give a thought to an unborn chick?
I don't think they care about any life but their own. All of that should be stopped.
Yes…disgusting…but a heck of a lot safer and effective than mRNA “vaccines “