Give toxins their due. A great many illnesses attributed even to bacteria actually are caused by toxins. These include WIFI, 5G, pesticides and herbicides, food additives, and more.

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Excellent info...thank you!!!

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Everything that has a physical existence is composed of chemicals, so naturally they are everywhere.

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Not synthetic chemicals, let’s get that straight

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Getting it straight seldom happens.

Now we don't know what you mean by synthetic, because man-made chemicals are synthetic.

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Taking 'activated charcoal' may help alleviate some of the chemical toxicity we are daily exposed to.

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Excellent recommendations!

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ye gads! time to head where the buffalo roam !

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Thank you Dr. Sherri! I do have one suggestion to those of us who have been aware of this for too many years to count. We are also getting bombarded daily with chemtrails. For those not familiar with these, look up on a beautiful day and once you see all these planes with large plumes blowing out the back and just watch as they expand to fill the sky. This has been going on for years. Yes, Vietnam had a very high toxic load thanks to our U.S. Military who dumped Agent Orange on their land during the Vietnam war. They even did it while all our troops were there. I lost two wonderful cousins because of the horrific diseases they got from this chemical. Both of them died in the last two years and never got a chance to enjoy their retirement. Further, they had to fight to get benefits and any relief from our illustrious nincompliant VA! Not only did they dump the chemical on the troops, but their intent was to render their land useless forever and hence they kept on dumping toxic loads.

So this week I had to come to terms with the fact we can’t stop these monsters from intentionally poisoning us. I follow everthing Dr. Sherri mentioned, but I also had to resolve myself to the fact it’s going to keep happening. I prayed to God to protect all of us from this continued attack on all of us. Not enough people are waking up fast enough. This is a website I highly recommend: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/. Plus we have Bill Gates and crew trying to kill the bees and destroy the air we breathe through their toxic climate change hoax.

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To understand more about the chemical industry, it is worth reading a book that was cited in a recent post by A Midwestern Doctor: World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin (first printing 1974, my copy was printed in 2000). The second half of the book is dedicated to the story of the legacy of the German chemical company, I. G. Farben, who created a global chemical cartel to keep potential rivals from stepping on each other's toes. I. G. Farben eventually brought the Rockefeller Foundation into the fold. And it was Rockefeller, through the Flexner report in 1910, which sought (with only partial success) to make Allopathic medicine the only form of healthcare practiced in the US. Reading that 50-year-old book explained current events perfectly.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

I grew up in the beautiful 'Garden State' of New Jersey at the Jersey Shore, just one and a half convenient hrs away from NYC. If anyone's ever been up the NJ Turnpike to NYC you will be very familiar w the apocalyptic landscape that sits outside the approach to NYC. It is a teeming conglomeration of chemical factories and refineries that completely obliterate the landscape from one end to the other.The sight of it and the stench are overwhelming and always has been to me for as long as I can remember. Having grown up knowing this abomination even existed made me all too aware that this was and is a serious problem. How was this even permissable? How did it not bother anyone else the way it bothered me that this is what man is capable of when left to his own devices?

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I spent my summers at 'the shore' such wonderful memories. I too, as a child would question the many chemical factories etc. The autism rate in the Sate of NJ are the highest in the country - NJ also mandated children 6 months or older entering day care to receive the flu shot, this is in addition to the many toxic jabs they already receive. Rutgers University published something a few years back regarding this. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves ...

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So sad.

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Cancer rates were reported very high in that area.

And now add to it the mRNA spike protein vaccination mandates of 2021, and the added booster shots from 2021 and on.......I hate to see what th rates will be in 2/3 years from now.

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Gee, can't imagine why?!

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Me too , Letsrock….Just flying into Newark over Elizabeth… enough said .

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That's without mentioning the aerosolized chemical stews we're showered with daily by industrial chemtrailing - Elana Freeland writes on this topic but even she is just scraping the tip of that proverbial iceberg.

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Wow! How disturbing! Chemicals lurking everywhere! Thank you Dr Tenpenny for such eye opening information. 🌹

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