You might want to know that there are trolls sending product offers in reply to comments...

Bipul456 sent me one.

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it's interesting. They must have some sort of a disappearing link. When I try to click on those links to remove or delete, they are gone....but keep me posted and i'll keep trying to remove.

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I understand. I simply think you should know and readers should be careful.

Take care. Also, you may find this video of Brandon the preacher, interesting.

Not surprising at all. Covid was a test run. Maybe this "virus" affects those who

were Covid jabbed.


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Same here. I read all labels now. A simple thing of nuts, now has maltadextrine and cornstarch. Which if you were diabetic--raise your insulin:(

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How do we print this? I'm trying to from my phone to my own printer but there's no print or share option to the printer.

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i just click on [control][P] on my computer to print the page. not sure how it works on a phone. Also can copy/paste to a word document to print, but again, not sure now that works from a phone.

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one especially nasty sneak tactic increasing in use is to hide gm ingredient content under a QR code on the label, and it's usually not listed on the front page of the website the qr opens either

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I owned a large farm. I did research years ago on GMO. When they splice that seed with a new bacteria that actually explodes the stomachs of “pests” thus pest resistant is born. The corn is ground up to head market to feed cows or other livestock. Humans eat that. Our neurological systems are affected.

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I suggest that we have to do much more than just counscious consumming, we need to protect seeds & seedlings, if many of us store natural seeds and protect them in various locations using different methodes, we will have a much better chance of recovery or regeneration. The so called NWO is based on false assumptions proposed by individuals & collectives who are alienated from nature, such we are too many on the planet, CO² is pollution and is damaging the environment, human beings are fundamentally evil etc. And these individuals are all product of radical urbanization which is causing maximum human condition. The main solution that we need to work on globally is limits to growth of radically urbanized areas, not limits to economical growth or human population reduction. And as an alternative like minded people should gather and start creating new settlments in the form of villages and cities with a population less than 100 000 people. If someone is interested about these issues, I am working on them intensivelly especially from civil engineering perspective since "Cowards-20 mind virus" got out of control.

I love your contributions since your appearance on LondonReal more than 4 years ago !

Best wishes of health & wealth to you and your family as well as to our extended human family :)

Othman from Morocco

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Thank you for this reminder and reinforcement. I'm beginning to take this seriously now and will start to avoid foods with GMO or bio-engineered foods. I already will NOT buy GMO potatoes. NEVER and did that for several years now.

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The dangers and uncertainties of GMO foods:



Also see research by Seralini and what happens when actual science is published.

For whole food plant-based foods, recipes, and articles, go to https://www.nutritionstudies.org

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Remember, non-GMO does not mean glyphosate free. Glyphosate is use to dry many crops.

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This is why it takes me so long to shop at 3 different stores because I know what they have done to them to make sure that we all stay sicker. I could share more insights and info but most you already covered. 👍💪💞

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Thank you for sharing, agreed.

Yes, this corruption of our food system is beyond evil. It was planned many years ago

and executed little by little. It is part of making humans sick and lowering the population

to 500,000 humans. Mono crops, pesticides, herbicides, drugs and steroids into

farm animals, cloned animals, GMO plants, Roundup and glyphosate are some to mention.

(The Covid jabs of course are another).

Don't forget the APEEL coating put on fruits and vegetables, including organic, there is no label

revealing the produce contains it. It cannot be washed off. It was sponsored by Oprah and Bill gates among others, that tells you where it's integrity is not. They do not want us to have choices, options. The ingredients are a secret and not disclosed. They only say a few things are in it and that those are natural. Like all the other evil things, the misleaders always say that they are SAFE. That GMO foods are equal to natural foods.

Our FDA, EPA, USDA, WILDLIFE SERVICES (CDC, NIH, HHS, AMA, ADA...) are traitors, and should be put on trial for crimes against humanity. So should the WHO and the U.N.

They consistently do not know how to tell the truth, so they deceive.

I am vegan, but what has been done to farm animals is criminal. Chickens that are multiple times bigger than they were 50 years ago, drugged up steroid-laden animals, etcetera. Completely

unnatural, and then humans eat that. Take care.

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I'm glad you asked, because you have a lot of catching up to do about finding out about how the World works. Many things that are free to use, like Wikipedia, are like that because someone thinks it's worth their while to make it so attractive to use because they want to promote their agenda.

If you want to know how reliable Dr. Vernon is (or anything else) you have to examine the original, not someone else's version of it.

Read what Dr. V has to say. He has been saying things that are unpopular for many years. They are unpopular because they reveal things that people in power would rather you didn't know.

Surely you are aware e.g. that all the dietary advice you have been given for the last 70 years is the reverse of the truth? (Vegetable oil, margerine, butter, cholesterol, low fat ...) This is not an accident.

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This directed at "David", but seems to have gone in the wrong place.

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Fifty years ago a trip to the grocery store was pleasurable, simple and worry-free. Fast forward to today and it is a colossus nightmare! Why suddenly do people have, or think they have, all these special dietary needs! We now have plant based, gluten free, dairy free, vegan…..whatever causes the need for this? Our glysophate, genetically engineered garbage has become the norm! Big Pharma kicks in when healthy alternatives get out of reach. The never ending shelves and freezer’s full of pre-made “ready to eat” junk laden foods, the complete removal of basics that require a little work in the kitchen……this all is a heavy contributor to the sad state of health in America.

If one puts dirty gas in their car, dirty oil in the engine, never checks air in tires, etc……the car very soon will cease to provide optimum performance. That’s exactly what millions are doing to once-healthy bodies.

Exercise, diet, adequate rest - plus dedicated hard work = healthy person

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Vegan has been around for many years. If someone wants to avoid eggs or dairy

there is no need to evaluate this choice. I am vegan many years and am allergic to dairy also.

Dairy free likely when milk was pasteurized, and cows givenn multiple drugs.

Todays wheat has been hybridized and changed over thousands of years.

Wheat, dairy, soy, shellfish, egg, peanut oil are all in vaccines, so many humans have

become allergic because of this.

Yes, glyphosate is demonic.

One strange happening is the food companies that proudly label their products

"GMO free", Yet those foods are not organic and contain pesticides, herbicides and

fungicides, plus glyphosate....

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Thank you for sharing this Dr.T. In your limited time, might there be a submission on ‘Natural Flavors’?

It appears that the natural part is anything but.

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Bravo Dr. T! These foods truly are frankenfoods, designed to make us ill. I spend hours every week seeking out food that is natural and healthy. I rarely eat out, almost never buy anything processed, and have learned to cook from scratch. Why do we have to fight so hard to have normal healthy food available? That is shameful.

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I’ve never read so many labels in my life. I was shocked to see so many labels with bio engineered ingredients.

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