Thank you Dr Sherri, this is helpful,😁❤️Reading from the UK ,I am not sure where we fit in, but I do know the UK conformation bias is huge, because I am trying hard to show facts about the plandemic to my friends and they don’t even want to read them!

We have been subjected to an extreme Psyop by our Gov,our paid off MSM,and our Doctors and Scientists who are being threatened with loss of jobs and funding..

The few who are now speaking up are still being ostracised and called Conspiracy Theorists, with Fringe Ideas….MP Andrew Bridgen banned from Parliament, with a false Anti Semitic claim,Top Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra,ignored by MSM and now accused of spreading Covid “falsehoods "!! by the biggest MSM liars.

We have a huge fight ahead of us,you are fortunate to have The Constitution ,even if it has temporarily been overruled by DOD Emergency Powers.

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Thank You for your info. You know a little about me , and I would like to find a way to have a secure SAT phone. I have trust issues with this issue, but knowing the right info is very helpful. At targetedjustice.com on the technology tab, there are several different issues discussed. At the Technology tab, 'Signal Jammer' schematic is there, but not complete , nor apparently printable. I really need, and I think others do too, something that also jams any and all satellite signals, including gov tech.. and wonder what , or who might make these for people to buy. Or you might make some real money if you make these .. I'll buy one. So, I probably need both.

I understand that 'they' plan on doing away with anything under 5-6G, we may have 4G awhile longer.

Also , did you hear 'they' have made a 'vaccine' for BUMBLE BEES, Honey makers.. OMGosh.

There is a New Trillion $ lawsuit being started against Pfizer.. (yea, needs to be bigger, they are looking for big money.. ) Top admin person said publically,'Pfizer is run by a bunch of Jews, and they don't care how many people they kill'

HOW do we keep safe and reject ANY vaccines from now on. They are talkin concestration like camps, many restrictions, etc.. have any realistic ideas?

You can take this down , of course.. I think these are all issues MANY people will need to deal with, soon, and some already are.. tortured and killed... I appreciate any info you give.. truly, I'm lead to much, then it's about money. IF in your spirit and head, you were extorted of massive amounts of intellectual property, and its massive amounts of profit.. would you give it to 'God' and let it go, or what.. I think it may be ONE reason Im targeted.. but not the only.. We have insanity in charge.

The AG in St Croix, has the info on Epstein.. after you know who was sent so they can cover up, she got 'terminated', but still determined to say it's important. Their capabilities have horribly expanded on what they can do via, mapping, sat, etc.. truly disgusting beyond belief in some ways. take care.. My spirit needs healing.. and my beliefs are not secure, except Good God is Love and accurate knowledge. You undoubtedly have support. I do not want to support the wrong info. I don't know the right info. The Bible has been changed a lot. sigh.. need to get sleep, they disrupt a24/7 now. take care. C. Like I said , Thank You for whatever you contribute. I tried to give you info back, for your learning and the extent of danger out here, growing for everyone.

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Why am I not swayed by the lies? Why am I able to change my mind when there is new information that contradicts the original data? Why are some unable to do this and how can we get through to them? Serious questions.

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Many of us believe it's about spiritual discernment

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Well, I'm not spiritual but I've always been an outlier in my thoughts and how I have done things. I am not a group joiner, either.

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Thanks to all that I've learned over the course of the last ten years or so from the likes of Drs. Tenpenny and Humphries, back when all of this COVID "vaccine" nonsense was first getting started my immediate reaction was, "Oh, God, here we go again."

Anyway, it would be interesting to see some research on how susceptibility to this kind of what I like to call "frozen thinking" correlates with one or more measures of personality type. The system I happen to know best (not to imply that it is really "scientific" or even the best one available) is called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). My guess would be that those who are most likely to quickly come to a "conclusion" and adamantly stick to it regardless of new and better information becoming available are one of what the MBTI calls the eight (out of sixteen) "Judging" types. I personally happen to be a textbook case of one of the eight "Perceiving" types, in particular an INTP which is well described at http://www.personalitypage.com/html/INTP.html. My guess would be that CDC director Walensky is a hard core example of the diametrically opposed ESFJ, especially as described under the the rubric "Potential Problem Areas" at http://www.personalitypage.com/html/ESFJ_per.html.

I just discovered this Substack channel from a re-posting of this article on the Epoch Times. Already being familiar with Dr. Tenpenny's decades of work in this field I immediately subscribed to her postings here, and will be recommending it to others. It seems likely to me that the vast majority of Dr. Tenpenny's Substack subscribers would be classified as one of the eight MBTI "Perceiving" types.

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I think i'm ENFJ-A

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

I'm not familiar with the "-A" nomenclature. Anyway I know a lot of people have taken an MBTI test (which isn't really "scientific" in the sense that an A/B/AB/0 blood type test is) and get one result, then read the various type descriptions found in various books and on websites like personalitypage.com and find that they are actually more like the description of a different type, usually differing by a single letter from the "official" test results. I've found that most people, if they read a number of type descriptions, find that no single one of them gets everything right, more like maybe 70% here, 20% there, and 10% someplace else.

I've found that the Perceiving/Judging distinction, which Myers and Briggs added to Carl Jung's original model, is the most problematic because it conflates at least two different distinctions which tend to be positively correlated but far from consistently so. One of them is *how much* information one requires before making a decision or reaching a conclusion, typically more for the Perceiving types and less for the Judging types. The other is *how objective or subjective* they are in evaluating that information, with the Perceiving types tending to be more objective and the Judging types tending to be more subjective. Jung addressed this subjectivity/objectivity distinction extensively in Chapter X of his book Psychological Types (https://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Jung/types.htm). Having heard you speak on a number of videos, Dr. Tenpenny, I would be totally astonished if you are not in fact just about as objective as anyone can possibly get.

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Unfortunately, I was told today by my daughter that one of her 16 yr. old classmates died of a heart attack. My daughter said that he had severe asthma and that caused his heart attack. My guess is the jab. I was wondering if you or anyone else on the feed could answer a few questions. Could an asthma attack cause a heart attack? And if so how common is it that? And how do I best explain this? Thanks in advance.

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I find it funny that after I got done reading this I read my horoscope and I just find a comical because this is the horoscope I was given today.

"Taurus horoscope for Saturday Nov 19

Do people change? That is certainly an age-old question, Taurus - and it may be one that you are thinking about right now. If someone's core character is honorable and authentic, then they can change or refine their traits and habits to become a better, or the best, version of themselves. But it isn't up to you or anyone else to do that. If someone you know has expressed a genuine desire to change something to become a better person, maybe they can - but they are the ones that have to do it. It has to come from within, and you need to let this happen without external pressure."

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Fascinating. Thank you.

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GOD bless you Dr. Tenpenny - you are a true TRUTH Warrior who gives me HOPE knowing I'm not alone. GOD is the wind beneath your wings ...

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Thank you Susan!

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Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny for this perspective! It is timely and so "Right-On"!

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Yes and the government has been lying forever. Watch trust ultra, trust Naomi on Bitchute and WTF up, but many cannot. You cannot awaken the spiritually dead.


I hope you are awake enough to hear truth.

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Sheeple will do sheeple things.. regardless of evidence of contrary.

You can't fix stupid, or rather, you can't fix programming instilled from childhood via television and fake school system..

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In my view, this article by Dr. Tenpenny is one of the most valuable, important and pertinent reports I've read for a long, long time. Oh, how I wish I could put this article before tens of thousands of people today. Which people? The very ones Dr. Tenpenny mentioned in this article: "... [the] people [who] are still wearing [masks] and muzzling their kids ..." and "... [the] people (especially Americans) [who] are still lining up to get their boosters."

But, you know what? Barring some kind of miracle, I'll never be able to reach those people, and, anyway, those people wouldn't listen to me even if I could.

But I thank Dr. Tenpenny for this message just the same.

And that's not all: Since July and August, 2020, I've been working and investing my own personal money on a project which is intended precisely for purpose of reaching all those people. A whole group of people who I was trying to encourage to join me in this project all abandoned me. So I'm just forging ahead with it all by myself.

And now after about 2 1/2 years of preparation, the project is almost ready to be launched. I'm expecting to bring it public next spring, in April.

Be on the lookout for me.

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Thanks for this great information Dr. T. Confirmation Bias is very interesting. Narcissistic psychopaths now have a multiple avenues, e.g., social media, cell phones, and TV to continue reinforcement of false narratives to millions of people contributing to confirmation bias.

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Tv is mind poison and social media is just as bad.

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I took an English Comp class in high school, and was blessed with a curriculum based around learning rhetorical figures of speech (metaphor, simile, hyperbole, oxymoron, and many less well known). We had to find examples in magazines or newspapers and cut them out. That made us process the figures of speech internally, not just memorize a definition. It was a "sneaky" way to introduce critical thinking, as in "what are they really saying," and opened us up to ask "is this a trick to manipulate the way I think about something?" Years later when I figured out what that teacher had been up to, I went looking for a book that took a similar approach to figures of speech (or the principles of rhetoric) and came to appreciate just how rare was the kind of teaching I had received. I could not find a single book that did the topic justice--only academic treatises that missed the practical point entirely.

I wish there were more sneaky teachers like that, who helped us pierce the veil and reveal how we are being programmed to think.

Now when a new "event" such as the war in Ukraine or COVID comes along, I immediately set up two columns in my mind: A) This is the official story and B) The underlying story/a deeper look. I now find there is ALWAYS another side to the story. Over time I have developed resources that I trust. Critical Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P has become one of my go to sources for filling out Column B. I also have a mental list of sources I can depend on to be broadcasting something so far from the truth that I can start out by assuming that exactly the opposite is likely to be true (CNN for example).

Money and power interests usually have an agenda they want hidden from the public mind, with a cover story we are not only supposed to believe, but to become emotionally invested in. The Network, or TNI, or the White House spokesperson, will tell us why we should cheer for the team they are putting on the field (a tip of the hat to Dr. P and his sports news).

Early on in the "cultural programming" process I try to sort out enough of what's really going on so that I can feed better resources to those who might listen to me--and indeed, over the life cycle of the Fairy Tale we are being fed, I find people are less interested, more set in their belief patterns, harder to reach--even when it becomes clear to me that the stakes are high, as they have been with the PlanDemic. Some people I can never reach.

I remember how with the COVID substory about early trearment--where we were fed the clear lie that only a vax could save us--I caught the initial press conference of America's Frontline Doctors who were already working with Iver and HCQ. It left me speechless when a very dear friend (a classmate, and fellow acupuncturist, with training in clinical research methodology) bit on the media trope that the doctor from Haiti was into black magic. She could not get past that character assassination--and ironically a racist smear--and the way it painted all the people in that group, and thus she was convinced that the message they carried, should be ignored.

How do we train and deploy more sneaky teachers?

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Ah, yes Curious and Concerned...my tale of sneaky teacher tricks; As a social studies project, my 5th grade teacher 'imposed' an interesting project. We all got to invent a fancy name like royalty (!) such as King John, Lord Mike or Queen Sandy for example. Something happened in me, reflexively, that made me so angry about this. I stopped going to school for a day or two, in protest. At that point I did not really understand that I had French relatives that left France in 1795 (for Canada) to perhaps escape just that serf/lord continium and the power of royalty. And I simply wasn't, even in 5th grade, gonna call my classmates King or Queen or Lord anything. And my protest worked, the teacher stopped the project when I would not participate in it. Maybe he knew what he was doing, and was trying to see if any kid objected? Dunno but it sure made me feel like I am 'not as compliant' as the average person. Fast forwad to Black Lives Matter, and I lost friends over that one too. The message was that 'ALL of you are racists' and 'you ALL need to be ashamed of yourselves'. I found it equivalent to prosecuting me for what may be my ancestors crimes, which we actually do not do, formally, for a reason in this country; there would be no end to it. So, legally we stopped that here. Then, covid, and the message was that 'you ALL are symptomatic, and you ALL need to be locked up and jabbed'. Strikingly similar message to BLM. It all fits together as a way to crush souls and bodies, these edicts and 'protections' and projections.

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That was a powerful share, Jacquelyn. I love how you deftly connected many dots here. I also appreciate your willingness to pull back the curtain with a succinct analysis of the PC/woke/nanny state social memes (I wonder who initially planted some of them) which are not about truly helping people (love), but manipulations of the cultural attention and naked acts of power.

Back to your school story, I often wonder--where does that innate awareness, such as you mentioned with Lords, come from? I had two experiences of political rebellion in my later teens where I have no idea what the roots were. In one of them, my father had a "man on the street" column; 4 people each week were briefly interviewed--and I was his copy typist. When one of his interviews was rejected by the paper (the man offered his name as "World B Free" and the editor couldn't handle that), my father turned to me. He let me write the text and I filled the empty slot. Years later I read that column again, and was startled by how informed my reaction to politics as usual was for my age and experience--we never talked nor read politics in our household.

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I would love to read that too, if it still exists. But I get the gist, someone did say recently (?cannot remember) that children have an innate sense of fairness. I guess we didn't lose it in growing up! Best

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Agreed, it's the 'here's my title/badge, I am somebody' front that arouses suspicion in me off the bat. The whole 'family crest diploma business', don't get me started, anyway. Even with grains of truth, they are a money grab mostly. RE my youthful protest by abstention, I guess I could have protested as you describe, but I found the whole 'Lord something' thing a huge distraction to whatever we were supposed be there learning as well, I remember that. And maybe the teacher needed the threat of causing truancy in me to cease the project. I (ahem) stand by my complete absence and non compliance as the quickest solution with the least effort on my part. (I am French after all). Plus, what kid really wants to go to school, anyway?!. I didn't at least, usually, more of a turtle-minded kid (still). Yeah, its my spirit animal, turtle. (Land or Sea). Its gotta be somebodies, right? '|'

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

Thanks NavyBlueSmoke- thanks so much. I, not seaworthy, remember a fun time I had when a friend took me deep sea fishing. Lots of drinking the night before, (when in Rome) and a day of hugging the railing whilst the others fished. The face of the very nice Finnish man who was the friends friend, telling me to focus on the horizon, focus on the horizon.....but I was too fargone for that. We only discover our abilities and our frailties by trial and error I guess. I am fine in a kayak, maybe it was the diesel, who knows. I am sure the girl with the marina and her sisters would love to hear from you, the world is ever closer now that we are all having the same troubles at the same time. Opportunity. best

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The teacher retired into the same Assisted Living facility my mom was living in, and I actually tried to get ahold of her teaching files as part of writing that book. Alas, she had dumped them overboard, and then...life got in my way.

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Within this vale

of toil and sin

your head grows bald

but not your chin – use


Do tell. That was a reference from out of Left Field, one which hints at decades of gathered wisdom. I actually saw a few of these driving through S Dakota in the early '80s.

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