I have been following you for a few months. I worked my whole career around marketing, customer acquisition, pricing analytics, etc. I think your biggest barrier to paid subscriptions is your pricing structure. What does it say that I love your material but I’m not a paid subscriber? Competition for subscribers is intense nowadays, there are so many options. Initial trial subscription is all important. For my wife and I, we have adopted a policy of cutting a subscription every time we add one. This is because of limited dollars available. Most people have limited budget dollars getting squeezed by inflation. Everything seems to cost way more suddenly.

Thinking about problem/solution: your biggest hurdle is your entry level price tier is too high. You need to lower the cost of entry through either price or promotion. I have some other ideas I would be happy to discuss in more depth. I’m not looking for any payment, just want to offer my help. You are such a courageous freedom fighter and godly woman! We love your work!

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I agree wholeheartedly. I have avidly followed Dr. Tenpenny since the early days of her CDC DVD’s, and am eternally grateful for her and for her work. I still own her DVD’s, and have recommended them to many other families over the years, beginning when my now-grown children were toddlers. There are many other, similarly brilliant and brave voices that I simply had to stop following when, one-by-one, everyone began to move their work behind paywalls. In the past few years our family situation has been beyond challenging, and I was forced to drop all paywall subscriptions as well as other donations. There are many organizations that I once supported, but simply cannot anymore. I have been gleaning whatever I am able, from whatever free content I can find, just to remain abreast of so many vitally important topics. I am thankful that Dr. Tenpenny is one who still allows some access to some free content.

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Would love to discuss this with you. It’s a forever conversation we have. How can we connect?

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Probably a phone call or a meeting forum (like Zoom or other) would be good. Just let me know your preference and how I can get you my info without posting to all. Looking forward to chatting with you.

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My subtasks - DrTenpenny.substack.com (Eye on the Evidence) and TenpennyWalkWithGod.substack.com are FREE. I don't believe in paywalls. If you feel inclined to support this work financially, the choice is yours. They are posted ONCE per week. (Saturday and Sunday) .

Our DrTenpenny.com posts:

Monday - what shows and guests we'll be hosting during the week so you can plan/pick/choose

Tues - We post Morning Coffee Live on substack for your convenience

Wed - our most read newsletter with educational pieces

Thurs - We post my Brighteon show/interview from Monday night, for your convenience

Fri - Friday Favorites - specials and sales of our best products

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A subject I am very concerned about is anticoagulants. I’ve got a question about this and have yet to see an alarm about what I suspect may be true about their use.

The clots produced by the spike proteins do NOT respond to standard anticoagulants - is that correct?

This is a huge issue. I would love clarity on this. The implications are HUGE.

Mainstream doctors are “prescribing,” as is their usual, prescription drugs such as Wayfarin for high risk patients.

BUT these routine anticoagulants do NOT dissolve clots created by the spike proteins, if gather correctly what I heard in one of Dr. Peter McCullough’s broadcasts.

SO could this mean millions of people are left literally naked to the clotting actions of the spike proteins even though their doctors are prescribing drugs which they believe to be prophylactic?

Please Dr. T - would you investigate this and open the door to light on this!

If true, tons of innocent people are wide open to spike proteins creating clots in their bodies even though they think they have protection with prescribed anticoagulants. Then the proteases such as nattokinase and lumbrokinase and others are critical for the vaccinated - but due to a “cognitive hole” in the medical community these very important compounds are NOT being given. This is tragic if true. The sudden deaths could be mitigated if people were on the right compounds.

Going one step further … do you believe the spike production was designed to specifically induce clots which are NOT dissolvable by routine anticoagulants? This would account for a lot. I would love to know the truth of this. Did they design and create the spike to purposefully circumnavigate routinely prescribed anticoagulants? With standard doctors pulled in by this deceit then millions of innocent people are at risk because they have NOT been given proteases like nattokinase.

It is a nightmare to contemplate this. I wonder if this its true, then the nightmare of sudden deaths must be related to the individual’s body continually producing spike which could have been dissolved if doctors truly understood the nature of the spike and MADE SURE their patients were on the correct proteases.

I hope to hear your thoughts on this Dr. T.

I am so concerned for all the innocent people who were injected and need truthtelling doctors to get the right regime. Thank you Dr. T.

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I have also been giving this a lot of thought and this is why myself and as many of my loved ones as I can convince are taking cannabidiol to fight the prions (spike proteins are mis-folded proteins) plus cannabinoid therapy fights amyloid plaques so perhaps will fight these clots. Think about it, why have they spent so many billions and ruined so many lives over one of God's plants? Obviously not 'for our own good'.

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I not only read your Substack, but watch Critically Thinking and 5 Docs. I have learned so much and am inspired by doctors of your caliber willing to risk so much and invest your time to inform others. I am a senior who lives on a low fixed income, so monthly support of anything is difficult. If Substack would allow a "one-time donation of any amount" option, that might allow those of us on limited funds to still contribute as we are able. 🙏🏻 God bless you! 🙏🏻

I enjoyed the immune system papers, but admittedly I had to read them twice to truly grasp everything, not being a medical professional. I am waiting to see what Disease X turns out to be, but have not intention of falling for the hoax any more than I did for C19. It's all about mind control and destruction of humans. I agree with Dr. Northrup - anyone that hasn't come to the light yet probably never will. Now I just focus on those who understand and we plan accordingly to support one another. As for the medical profession as a whole ... hard pass.

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Sherri; I'd really like more on the injecting of agricultural livestock with mrna/genetic products. For instance ,as a vegetarian I would like to consume organic yogurt (no industrial ag. thanks); my understanding at this time is that organic standards (Federal) say nothing with regard to that aspect of animal care. Is that true? Are cows being injected? How about chickens (I eat eggs)? And is it true that for the last few years pigs have been injected with the lnp/mrna/spike protein bioweapon( I'll need to warn my meateating son)? On what scale is this going on? What new developments are there in this attack on the food supply?

I enjoyed the TLR material; lastly, 600 is 2% of 30,000, not .02%

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I apologize that I have not expressed my appreciation before now. Not sure how I came across you initially, but have your DVD's from many years ago,(probably close to 30 years ago,even though that doesn't seem possible). The information that I received from you on vaccines is lifesaving. Although what you offer is no less important, we are overwhelmed with information. I don't have time to keep up, even though much of it is free subscriptions. I think what you are doing here, in getting this feedback will help you in more ways than you may have realized. I am glad for the opportunity to let you know how much you are appreciated, and how much I value what you have taught me. So many in the vaccine debate,(on both sides), are woefully uninformed. Thank you!

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One thing I’d love to hear your thoughts about is the necessity and safety of “diagnostic” testing. For instance, colonoscopies, mammograms, etc. Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny!!

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I have been following you for only a few months and find what you write very informative. Since discovering Substack there is a lot I want to read so it may be later on before I get around to your writings. A lot depends on what topic happens to grab my interest and what is happening within my community. Something that requires a 2 hour block of time is very iffy.

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I am interested on all those. I agree with the ranking except I am more interested in the seminars than the poll shows. Thanks for all you do. And THANKS for asking...

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Dr. Tenpenny

Thank you for the work you do! It was you and Dr. Madej that made me aware of the dangers of the shots when everyone said take them. I chose to wait and listened to your advice. For that I am eternally grateful. You you saved my life, and the life of my family. Keep doing the good work the Lord has called you to do! Some days it may seem hard and is it worthwhile, but believe me when I say you are having a tremendous impact out there. God Bless You and thank you.

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Thanking our Lord for bringing you to me in 2020. I had red flags and hair standing on the back of my neck with what was going on. That was the Holy Spirit keeping us safe. You provided the facts and reason for me. My husband was in gov, a leader. What was happening, the rules, was not making sense to him. He could clearly see truth was not the guide. Thank you Dr Tenpenny.

You need to help with medical information. Many of us learned it’s a rigged system. Good men and women in the profession do not know. Blinded by their own “knowledge”. Help us navigate the muddy waters with information. Blessings CN

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I commented before in this feed; admittedly, I realize my response may have presented itself as angry, though I assure you, I was just frustrated.

Also, I apologize for completely missing the survey before. I just voted.

I must begin with: I have never been an "anti-vaxer" - was raised (as most of us were) that vaccines eradicated polio and were safe and good for us. As I began researching about the Coronavirus in 2020, I came across the information from, as well as dire warnings of the Frontline Doctors concerning the up and coming nee "vaccime". As I stated before, I have never been anti-vax. Although I had come to the realization in prior years, how it seemed, almost every year which I relented to my doctor's suggestion to receive a flu vaccine, those were the same years I would get the flu! Now, I am somewhat educated about medical things, and I know that one does (should) not get sick from a traditional flu shot because the virus used in it is dead. I never got sick near the vaccination date, but months later, which caused me to make the educated decision for myself, to never "do that again". After the great pandemic of 2020 hit, I was midway through pursuing my bachelor's degree at Widener University and coincidentally, the Spring 2020 semester had been dramatically torn from learning Chemistry and Chemistry lab in a classroom on campus, to learning at home.... along with this new learning experience, I was afforded more time to research on my own, since before as a commuter adult student, I lost 2 hours per day, driving.

I came across this video which created enough speulation for me to question the realities which I grew up believing. Are you familiar with a Doctor Susan Humphries? This video needs to be seen by more people. Any online research on her immediately comes up with links describing how she has been disgraced & discredited, which many of you know, are smokescreens designed to thwart further investigation. It is to me, a signal for why to dig further because when the lone flag bearer stands up to the narrative we've all been fed for years upon years, those in power positions become terrified they'll lose their grip - they become compelled to squash any threat before the truth gets out.

I'm sharing this video only as a service to anyone interested in understanding what I now know; it's eye opening. Here the shorter version of the video: https://rumble.com/v29ef5o-did-vaccines-really-eliminate-polio-how-the-covid-19-vaccine-mimics-the-pol.html

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Dr. Tenpenny, you have been my hero for years and years.

I am concerned about upcoming scamdemics. They have observed how some of us managed to wiggle out of their regulations, restrictions, and attempted mandates. Next time they will be prepared for us and more at war against us. How do we prepare for them?

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I appreciate you so much- from early 2021, when I was trying to find truth in the midst of the chaos about covid and then the vaccine, you were one of the voices I listened to the most. Thank you for your faithfulness to serving your patients and the public. I know it hasn’t been easy

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I will be looking forward to seeing medical interventions that are helping people that are not mainstream. Thank you 😊

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I wanted to choose all of the options but in the end it seems I voted with the majority. I’d add the option: Nutrition and overall health/wellness.

Navigating natural self care, especially with anything chronic, without using mainstream medicine is so difficult without expert guidance. Especially with all the conflicting information out there.

Functional/integrative MDS are hard to find and I can’t travel 3 hours to see one and then pay hundreds out of pocket just for the initial visit, then out of pocket tests, etc.

If there is any guidance for someone forced to go it alone, that’s what I need to learn. I know that’s a tough ask. But if I trust anyone, it’s you, Dr Tenpenny.

I’ve been following anything I can from you for over 10 years now. If I wasn’t on a fixed income I would happily pay for a subscription. I’d even take some time to visit your location for an extended stay and pay you to help me straighten out my health issues, if that were possible.

Many years ago I worked in healthcare as a surgical technologist and am convinced that the vaccines given by employee health at a new hospital when I changed employment (to be closer and make it easier when I was on call-bc I had two small children at home I was raising alone) caused my health issues since they started immediately thereafter and took a year before I was ultimately diagnosed with autoimmune disorders (yes plural). It was never connected, of course, and took me years to figure out, (partially thanks to you and others like you sharing valuable data), and until then, I followed all of their treatment protocols, which, of course, caused more problems.

It’s a long sordid story but in the end, no longer trusting them, I’m on my own navigating it all. Better without their interventions but not functioning on the level I should be, need to be, and desperately want to be.

I love all the information you share and only time and health issues prevent my reading more of it more often.

God bless you and all you do!

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I wish you wouldn’t work so hard. I’ve followed you for 18 years and am grateful for all I’ve learned. I’m most interested in cures for cancer, I’d like short webinars because I can do other things while I listen to them. I feel your prices for bootcamp are too high and would like a price for certain weeks only. My kids are raised, and they don’t listen to me about my grandkids, so I don’t need Larry’s week, although I love him. Your website membership doesn’t offer me enough at 20/month because I don’t watch or read your religious information, although I respect your passion and beliefs. I listen to morning coffee, critically thinking and tenpenny files (when subject is interesting to me) I will go back and read your Substack, but learn so much better when you actually explain things yourself on camera. I like Dr.Jane Ruby’s rumble channel. 30-45 minutes 5 days a week, includes 2 coffee chats.

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Dr. T in addition to medical info, I share your Sunday prayer with 2 friends. Just want

to let you know your offerings are appreciated. Also, I appreciate the immunity topic.

Many Blessings

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