They mean 50 hours of further medical tyranny indoctrination.

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Time to start carrying again.

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The new strain will hit those vaccinated more severely than those who never took their jab.


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pray for the highest good...for each and everyone...be the example you want to see...JUST say NO--Hell NO....they can't "arrest all of us!!!!" gather you like minded tribe and just go to the store(place) you want to visit and walk in the door like you own it....use the self ck out Walmart and other grocery stores so they can't refuse your payment..REMEMBER NONE OF THEIR RULES ARE LEGAL THEY ARE ALL LIES TRYING TO SCARE THE SHEEPLE INTO COMPLIANCE....DONT LET THAT HAPPEN...I agree with Dr T if we the people let this happen again...the peeps will get what they deserve---(maybe that is what they signed up for this time around) its all in GODS hands....

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I feel the same. Hearing him was a great comfort to my mind and his words to my soul.

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I heard this interview. It’s so comforting to know there are truth-tellers like you two out there. Thank you so much.

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When they secure the border crossings then we will know they are concerned about our health, which they never will!

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How evil is America?

America is "Babylon the great" according to the Bible.

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev 18:2)


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The Almighty still sits upon His throne and is in complete control.

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I was one of those who was lucky enough to get a medical mask exemption from my doctor in 2020 but later, as I read it to the managers of Sprouts, Mothers, Trader Joes, Best Buy and even the medical group for which my doctor worked (UCI), I was thrown out forr not wearing a mask. It was total insanity, but even worse, I've lost loved ones who were totally brainwashed and still are totally brainwahed. Some people never woke up from the first set of lies. These days we need to get lists or safe places and build them up. Veterinarians were doing to dogs what they are doing to us long before 2020 and I'd like to find veterinarians who wouldn't shed or inject mRNA onto pets. (Avoid pet vaccines, altogether. ) I'd also like to find more specialists who take insurance while not buying into the lies. And we need a list of restaurants that serve safe food that doesn't contain vaccines or glyphoosate.

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specialist who accepts insurance is an oxymoron. they are part of the system and can't get out.

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We lost 35 clients in 2 years and they are still dropping like flies. Your constitutional rights were violated. You need to find yourself a good Constitutional Law firm and sue the living shit out of your past employer. This is STILL AMERICA and WE STILL HAVE A CONSTITUTION THAT PROTECTS US FROM TYRANICAL NWO LUNATICS WITH THEIR DE-POPULATION AGENDA. I work for the state of California and have a Religious Exemption on file. Our God-given immunity trumps their mad-man, laboratory produced, Faucenstein gain of function virus and their BS subsequent vaccine. UNITED WE SHALL STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL AND HIS MINION ARMY. WE ARE LEGION AND OUT NUMBER THEM. WE ARE THE 99%, they are the 1% AND WE HAVE GOD ON OUR SIDE SO WHAT FOOL WANTS TO TAKE US ON? Don't let them get away with what they did to you. NEVER CONFORM - NEVER BE SILENT. I call evil out every time it rears its insidious head. I FEAR NON OF THEM, NOT EVEN THE DEVIL HIMSELF HAS A HOLD OF ME. It is WE who have the authority over the darkness and its foot soldiers. Armor Up DAILY and chose to walk with the MOST HIGH and you too can rest in the shadow of the Almighty, as you watch with your eyes and observe a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand. None of their evil will come near your tent. (Psalm 91) YOU belong to Him, put your all your eggs in His basket and he will call upon His angels to guard and protect you in the days to come.

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Thank you Dr. T for ALL you do to fight the good fight. I pray the Lord keeps you healthy and stromng as He continues to Light your path and guide your feet.

I am so glad you were able to go to Las Vegas. Clay Clark’s “ReAwakening America” event was awesome !!! I watched it Live on Rumble.

Thank you Jesus for Rumble and people like Clay and Dr T and the rest of the Front-Line Doctors and Truth-Warriors.

They will not silence us as hard as they may try. We are His Mighty Warriors and it is HE who lives within us, who empowers us and strengthens us in this battle of Good vs Evil. This battle has already be won, but it is still being waged here on earth, as Satan attempts to harvest as many souls as he can before he is cast into the Abyss by the One who sits at the Right Hand of the Father.

They can torture me all they want but Satan will NEVER take my soul. I belong to the Father, I am His and He is mine.

FEAR NOT EVERYONE. Fear is a LIAR and a tool of the devil that he uses most frequently, to keep us frozen from moving forward in our faith. If fear enters you your mind, DO NOT ENTERTAIN IT, kick it to the curb and STAND IN YOUR FAITH. It is The Almighty who stands with His Anointed Army, never forget that.

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I am not going to endanger myself by getting in the face of ANY of these Kool-Aid drinking fools. They ALL have some form of mental instability. The TRUTH and the PROOF is out there. If they chose to deny THE TRUTH and acknowledge that the Immunity God gave us trumps their MAD-MAN Made vaccine, then God is allowing them to live their lie. The same way he did Pharoah in the days of Moses. There are 2 teams on the planet right now, you are either on Team Jesus or you are not. There is no middle ground. I will STAND STRONG and exercise my Religious Exemption, anyone who fails to uphold and honor our Constitutional Liberties will be SUED in a court of law. We still have a Constitution (Thank the good Lord for our Forefathers wisdom and foresight) If they get in my way, I will mow them down with Jesus on our side what ignorant Kool-Aid drinking fool wants to take us on. I will never conform to the NWO insanity run amok. They are about to lock us all down due to "Climate Change" and set fires to force us into communal 15 min cities. HELLO !!!! Anyone home McFly? I am past being polite to these lunatics or attempting to educate their ignorant selves. I am armored up daily and I reside in the shelter of the Most High. He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in whom I trust. He knows what we are being exposed to. He is about to drop the hammer upon the heads of ALL the WICKED. His wrath is about to be unleashed. I can feel it and I can sense it in my bones, because it is HE who is my focus. I do not live in fear. I WALK IN FAITH - Knowing full well who has my 6.

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Yeah, South Park Yashuah with his AK47 got your 6...

You are as deceived , from my perch, as the fallen were/are.

Good job with being Tenpenny's lap dog, or whatever it is you're pulling here.

Are you a Trump fan, too?

Do you have one of those posters where the Anglo Jezus has put his bloody, pierced hand upon the shoulder of the Faithfully-bowed shoulder of Trump hanging on your wall? How 'bout your MAGA hat and T-shirt? Card-carrying voter? Tax Mule? If so, then you are just as guilty of being fooled as are most of us stragglers here on terra firma.

Blessings for the 'forefathers'!!!

How very ri¢h!!

Do you not realize that Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and the rest of these wig, tights, and makeup wearing Masonic Architects were loyal, faithful worshippers of the Light-bringer, Lucifer? That they were doing the work of their first master Mason, Nimrod, the architect/builder of the Tower of Babel?

They initiated the wholesale murder of the rightful inhabitants of this land that is wrongfully called 'america', and the theft and illegal acquisition of these lands you usurpers think to call yours!

Miserable hypocrites- one and all - that will not humbly bow to the Truth that Stands Firm.

Keep claiming that you are 'all that', so we see how Not To Do Things, because one second you recommend fear as a motivator, and the next you are about 'faith'.

Your foaming at the mouth for wrath to be poured out is a telling sign of where you operate from, 'Angelique', just as many of these poor, misled church 'christians' are all about war, and money, and the bloodshed of the infidels.

Your religion hides the spiritual growth, just as the politics bury and hide the physical aspects of our would-be spiritually motivated lives, just as was intended those years back, when Constantine and the Papacy laid it all down at the Council of Nicaea, in 325 AD, or so it's told in the history books.

Blessings to quench your fears, and to have them replaced with vigilant love for the Creator and the Creation, and no more brown-nosing the forefathers and their thieving progeny!

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Texas SB 29 government entities can not mandate school closures, c shots, or masks. Signed, effective September 1.

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BRAVO 👏 to you for bearing witness to the truth and delivering consequences to those who don’t honor truth.

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I like the idea of handing out fliers with all the studies showing masks don't work, it by passes media censorship. I am concerned that if Dr. Buttar was correct in believing there is a payload in the shots that people won't stand up against the next planned attack. I hope everyone knows that if Marburg shows up it isn't a transmissible virus it's a released payload. Stay strong!

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Dr Buttar’s passing away is still a shock to me . I really miss his voice , energy and passion to help humanity. May his soul find eternal comfort and peace 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Dr T!! I had that SGTReport cued up a few days ago and hadn’t gotten to it yet. Just listened! Loved it ❤️

Do Not Comply!!! Ever!

Personally, I have a feeling the cabal’s worn out playbook of using fear via a renewed effort to push the bioweapon jabs is going to be met with a lukewarm response and the powers that be will need to up their fear game…what’s left? We go from bioweapons to “climate change” (engineered by the evil cabal across the globe)…next up will be the “alien attack” from “extraterrestrial entities” (aka top secret military psyops).

Thank you for your tireless efforts ❤️

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Please mention the whole scripture in Hosea instead of just part of it.

The people are destroyed because they have FORGOTTEN His LAW. Look around, have people, even “Christians” forgotten God’s 10 COMMANDMENTS?!! Yes!! They have! Especially the one COMMAND that He told us to “REMEMBER………” Read the whole 4th commandment, it is the longest of the 10, but most people only know it as “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy” they leave off 95% of that commandment. Why? That part is crucial, it is the very essence of that commandment for it tells us to work 6 days and rest the SEVENTH, it tells is that GOD, the one and only true God is our Creator. His Sabbath points us back to Him!! He quotes from this commandment in REVELATION 14:7!! Time to truly get back to God, our Creator! But satan put in place centuries ago, a counterfeit to God’s HOLY SABBATH.

I will not comply with any manmade laws or mandates. Not when it comes to our freedom and trampling on God’s Holy Law. True, “few” will comply with God.

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