CERN is in the death cult. A Lord Shiva statue is worshipped there. That’s all I need to know.

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Hmm, The God particle appears to be a nascent Star of David, the symbol of God’s Chosen people. Perhaps this is yet another message from the Universe for Jews to live up to the highest Virtues of the Divine (as tempered and pragmatized by human Evil), and a Sign for the rest of us chosen people that shows us who we ought to faithfully support. . . and if we’re not supporting Israel’s ongoing 75 year struggle (actually 5000+ years of struggle) to survive (especially in their native homeland), that we are on the wrong side of Divinity and have succumbed to the deceit of the Dark forces that are currently snuffing out all the Good that exists in the world.

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Wait……. Peter Higgs. Dies exactly on Apr 8, 2024. The day of the eclipse and when CERN fired back up. You can’t make this shit up ……

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no kidding... right??

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An analog in science is used when technology has not caught up to theory, to infer validate. Which usually has caveats and unforeseen twists once technology advances to proper validation. Scientists used a leaf with properties similar to a human muscle, but with slower electrical responses. To predict human muscle reactions via measurable leaf currents. Later verified and not, by more advanced technology. Which measured a Newtonian impossibility in linear time. The response to/from nerves to brain and back to actions is 1/2 what Newtonian physics Says it should be. We humans are “Predicting” our future daily. Via anisotropic velocities of time differentials from Super>Sub> to conscious actions. But we drive in our 4D gifts from God vehicles always staring into the rear view mirror at what has already gone by. Instead of turning around forwards per Jesus and removing hazards from our minds eyes and ears Before they go full Newtonian.

So, geoPhysics can serve as an analog to Newtonian>Maxwellian>Einsteinian physics. As well as MetaPhysics.

Marine Seismic airguns in this God Particle Boondoggle for $$$. IF there was a basic building block, this would be a zero sum universe already canceled out. But it is both expanding and accelerating. A square can’t be a circle. And Infinity is not real if linear time is, 🧐.

So, marine airguns, to Map the unseen beneath the sea floor with sonics (like medicine now does with sonigrams, MRI’s etc. scaled down from earlier geophysics), inject very high pressure air into the ocean. Which creates temporary bubbles that collapse under pressure and make….a bigly Bang. The complex geophysics filters and reverse time and depth migrations to interpret still only result in 10% accuracy in deep water high pressure wells. Very expensive. And per the BP Macondo blow out, dangerous when you give accountants cost cutting bonuses. God the Father, injects high pressure intelligence into the infinite ocean of Sonics Dark Energy (the WORD is God). Etc. 🧐🍿🍿🍿

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CERN is purely demonic, they speak of dimensions and do not realise they are dealing with the principalities and powers of darkness, the different levels of hell. I pray CERN will fail like the Tower of Babel.

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A few years ago a neighbour was working at CERN as part of a post grad degree. His comment? They're really brainy people but none of them make notes of what they're doing. Sometimes they did but only after they'd done things, never before, and only their memory of it, if it had 'worked' and they'd record what they thought they'd done and what they thought had happened.

Obviously no-one on site or elsewhere is managing this crowd day to day and ensuring basic administrative protocols. Who funds this nonsense anyway? How do we access that level of 'grant'. 🧐

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What they are saying they want to do is a bunch of hogwash, they really want to open a portal to allow interdimensional beings to cross into our world. After their little celebration of Satan, this is pretty obvious. With any luck, instead of smashing protons, they will split an atom and blow themselves up.

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Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. Bible says that what they give and do will go back upon their own heads. That they would fall into their own pits, and be taken by their own snares.

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Yes, it would be great to see.

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Delusional humans believing themselves God.

How is it when some raving mad Scientist utters, "Don't worry!", worry is the wisest option leading to prayer in hopes of God's forces ending the horrors such twisted and sick minds create.

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The Higgs boson or "God particle" is a figment of the imagination of scientists thinking they can make a name for themselves.

Any half witted fool knows that there is no such thing!

Time for these CERN people to either get a life or learn to read the Good Book to learn the real truth about God.

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He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Luke 10:2

We all know the time is short we see Matt 24 & Luke 13 playing out before our very own eyes let us all who name the precious name of Jesus speak the truth of Salvation through His blood alone to all whom the Lord puts on our hearts. ❤️

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I watched the opening ceremonies to this out and out creep fest and can say without a doubt our Lord Jesus has nothing but deep sadness for all these deceived participants. He wishes non to perish….





Author And Investigative Journalist Dr. Thomas Horn Explains What The CERN Collider's Purpose Really Is

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i watched them too, Thomas, Creepy definitely describes the rituals.

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No one builds something this vast, and spends $9.2Bn doing it for ‘science’.

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Yes I did which is why I said what I said. I am a creationist and believe we were created by God and I am not easily amused by physics that is born out of atheism and the Big Bang. And since the Lord’s name was used in vain it sealed my opinion. A vain expression where the Creator was trivialized.

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Good grief. It's an article reporting the history, not an endorsement of CERN and what it represents.

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CERN actually started this year’s run already — several weeks ago:


And I believe the thing expected to happen on April 8, stable physics beams, was achieved on Friday:


I would expect any shitfuckery while the eclipse is going on will be more mundane and human generated. False flags and such.

BTW I’m also not all that scared of the things that might manifest in CERN’s collision halls (this year’s run is just more of what was done last year). The scale of interactions happening in the middle of those big cameras happen all the time between cosmic rays and protons in our upper atmosphere. Only difference at CERN is they’re making that happen where they can take pictures.

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The Lord’s name in vain and fictitious science. I’m startled Doctor T.

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Did you read the article???

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