That was beautiful, Dr. T, and loaded with inspiration. I am grateful to have been following you from the very beginning. I knew then, you were called by God and let me confirm, yes, you are doing a great job and touching (saving) more lives and souls than you realize.

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I want to encourage you as well as the 51 comments below! You are a war club (Jer 51) for us and we are so grateful to God that he sent you! God keep you strong, wise and bold. God bless you all the days of your life as well as your family.

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Dr Tenpenny praise. Our wonderful Heavenly Father for your love for him and what he wants you to do now. I too don’t have many who love him as seriously as l do but those who do are so busy serving him we hug each other hard when we can and do his will the rest of the Time because soon we will be with him forever. Won’t we? Looking forward to knowing you one day. Love Lyn Baildon. Xx

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This is Spiritual warfare - thank you Dr. T for your dedication to GOD & Truth. Our GOD lives in the TRUTH. My Faith in Jesus is what has carried me the past 3 years. Thank you again Dr. T for your Faith & Service to us & our Lord ...

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You may at times felt alone but you weren’t. I have tracked you from the beginning. You opened my eyes early and I tried to warn many of my doctor friends being a nurse. They didn’t heed the warning. Finally I felt that God told me to stop warning them and pray. Pray their eyes would open. They haven’t. Then I felt God saying those that let them hear hear. Now I really know the scripture stating not everyone will discern God. It makes sense the verse of Matt 7:13-14: because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life and few there find it. I know you are tired but you are leading many of us in the right path. Thanks. Deana living in Ohio

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Below are several links to the documentary you and Dr. P. spoke about toward the end of your CT discussion 1/4.

I'd also suggest that Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt and Dr. Ana Mihalcea (links below) would all make excellent guests for you to interview.

The Overthrow Of The US Constitution, & The Ongoing War Against Americans



Believe it or not, this video was also posted to yt under a different title on Jan 1, and was still up at the time of this posting:

The New Constitution: Living War Crimes


Website of the documentary makers, JP & Julie Collins:


Show notes and source links from the documentary makers:


Sasha Latypova's substack:


Sasha's articles for Trial Site News:


Recent interviews with Sasha:

Discussion with Sam Dube and Lara Logan (after 15 min) on DoD Vax Ownership and FDA Theatrics


Sasha Latypova on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell - 1/5/23


Maria Gutschi, PharmD, on Lack of Manufacturing Quality of mRNA Injections


Katherine Watt's substack:


American Domestic Bioterrorism - Discussion between Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt:

Audio version:


Video version and transcript, including selected critical analyses by Katherine Watt:


Interview with Sasha Latypova by Dr. Ana Mihalcea:

Nanotech in C19 vials, Regulatory Fraud, Bad Manufacturing Practices, DOD contracts & more


Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substack


Dr. Ana's rumble channel:


Dr. Ana's website:


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Oops! I meant your Critically Thinking discussion on 1/5 not 1/4!

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Carry on, Dr. Tenpenny! I believe in you; your inner strength is so powerful!

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I have written this before, but will rrepeat it here: My husband and I were considering getting the vaccine in April of 2021, but hesitated after hearing Dr. Tenpenny on a podcast. God used you, doc, to turn us away from what would disable us and make us unable to serve Him in this dark time. Thank you for being faithful to His call.

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We #purebloods must be lead by God. So that is our armor now we must take the fight to the devil. The force ie super strong some people are convinced and will never change. We must be one with Jesus to stay strong. Godspeed.

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Thank you! I see you . I hear you. 💚

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Sherri, You are now officially on my daily prayer list. If you have specifics that you’d like me to pray for you, text me. 619-643-8268. Paul was 100% correct...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of wickedness in the spiritual realm. We will be faithful to Jesus our Messiah to the end. Psalm 2!

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I feel like we have been called to soldier-on and be diligent in our lives to TRUST the ONE who Knows and Who has called us to be good stewards of this Call. Psalm 62:5-8 is a wonderful battle cry to all His soldiers that He alone is our HOPE and our STRENGTH and our ROCK. He has the power and He will be our Refuge...Thank you Sherri for listening to HIS Call and responding with His courage and Strength to go forward in peace and truth..What a wonderful way to spend your life on this earth, soldiering-on for HIM...May God Bless you and the work HE has given you...Praying for you..

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God bless you. Eph 6:12 truly describes our situation on this earth. BUT we have read the back of the book and we know GOD wins and we, his people, will rejoice with him in an earth made new.

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I am blown away by your mission Dr. Tenpenny. I to have made that commitment to the Lord Jesus only recently. I have claimed to be a Christian now I am truly living as one. God Bless you. Julia and I were just talking about your houseplants and hoping your green thumb has been as healing as your practice has been for all you serve.

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Dr. Tenpenny, reading your article gave me such peace. Hearing the truth is comforting even though it is hard. Yes, I agree, but this is a lonely walk. I guess it’s the narrow path. You are a gift from God. I commit to praying for you every day in your Holy mission. I wish I could find mine. I have to wonder, Dr., that those 2 billion injured will be future deaths since their injuries are so pervasive. So I continue to commit to hearing their stories and praying for each and every one. May God have mercy on us and the whole world. God bless you and keep you safe under the shadow of His wings. Thank you for answering His call. You are one of the few I trust. Amen

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Thank you for your anniversary gift to all of us. I am starting my 14th year in a calling for which my first 60 years of life gave me no background apart from loving questions. “That’s how I want you” was my Father’s answer to my prayer “why?” There are so few people comfortable enough in our Lord Jesus to say yes to these invitations to trust Him to provide what we need as we need it. I absolutely melted when Indiana Jones had to step out onto the invisible bridge on his map in order for it to become visible. Being led by the Holy Spirit includes a lot of that stepping off into thin air. My appreciation for all who have agreed, to that willingness, to be led continues to grow as you and others declare yourselves.

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