Tenpenny Throwback Thursday
Five years later, the "follow the science" crowd has FINALLY solved the origin of COVID. It's not from bat soup. Actually, you'll never believe what it is.
My God, they really think we are stupid. The corrupt scientists have finally solved the origin of COVID, and just published it in Nature. The virus didn’t originate at the Wuhan lab, oh no. And the bat in the wet market wasn’t the culprit either. But it WAS an animal in the wet market. Meet the raccoon dog, the new animal “typhoid Mary” of COVID in Wuhan.
Forget the bat soup, researchers now say their money is on this sweet face above. The raccoon dog which is used as fur and food in the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. Other contenders are the Amur hedgehog (Erinaceus amurensis), the masked palm civet (Paguma larvata), hog badgers (Arctonyx albogularis), Chinese bamboo rats (Rhizomys sinensis), and Malayan porcupines (Hystrix brachyura).
But an engineered virus is certainly NOT the origin, according to these “scientists.”
We thought this would be a great topic for Throwback Thursday, but not because of the raccoon dog, but because of the other dog, Kristen Andersen.
Many Americans “met” Andersen when his January 2020 emails to Fauci were disclosed after Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by newspaper outlets. In those emails, Andersen urged Fauci to consider the lab leak theory, saying that his team had unanimously concluded that “the genome is inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory. ”
This means it wasn’t found in nature. Hear that, raccoon dogs of the world?
However, Andersen gave himself an out by saying that he had to look at it more closely with further analysis, so his opinion “could change.” And that’s exactly what happened! The day before the famous Fauci February 1 teleconference, Andersen told Fauci privately that the virus appeared engineered. The day after the telecon, Andersen appeared to have drastically switched opinions to favor the natural appearance opinion. Despite having absolutely no experience whatsoever in studying coronaviruses, Anderson served as lead author of the seminal natural origin paper.
Coincidentally, Andersen also received $7.4 million in 2020, a 60% increase over his 2019 funding of $4.5 million. For non-academicians, that is HUGE! In 2021, Andersen’s total grant funding increased to $9 million.
These people are DISGUSTING. Read all about it right here in our Tenpenny Report archives.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." (An old saying I heard from my parents when teaching me not to lie.) Apparently, not everyone's parents bothered to advise them of this fact. If all these "experts" truly had any brains, at this point they'd all just sit down, shut up and hope they escape the wrath of those who have them figured out.
THEE K Anderson of Scripps !! That San Diego coast is captured. An abundance of great research comes from these various businesses and research centers. Unfortunately avarice and greed are their Gods.