Did Jeffrey Epstein clone himself? Maybe. Hearing this reminded us of the cloning update we did last summer. We asked the question: Are we walking amongst human clones? After all, Dolly the sheep was cloned way back in 1997.
We thought it would make a great Throwback Thursday, particularly as the release of the Epstein list is imminent.
Apparently we are not the only ones asking this question. Podcaster Shawn Ryan just had guest Nick Bryant on his show. Bryant mentions cloning as it relates to Epstein. Is it really out of the realm of possibility that these megalomaniacs would want to clone themselves? Nope, and we wrote about that too.
Bryant is the author of The Franklin Scandal and many others. Bryant is also credited with publishing Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book."
In the interview, Bryant gives a complete breakdown of Jeffrey Epstein's vile empire and the systems that enabled his rise to a position of power in "high society." Bryant details the origins of the "Little Black Book" and uncovers the names within it.
Full episode:
Appropriate for this story!
If you want to know who the real culprits are behind the world’s problems, parasites are running the world. Parasite cleansing is a NECESSARY consistent habit and discipline of a Healthy civilization that produces Healthy people.
Thanks for sharing this, Dr. Tenpenny. I spun up a related thread last summer that might complement your research:
I appreciate you keeping these important questions in focus.
Does anyone else feel the demonic activity is intensifying ?