If you’ve ever wondered exactly how millions of birds are culled on poultry farms, brace yourself. It is done by a method called foam depopulation, developed about 20 years ago after an outbreak of bird flu strain H7N2. Within 10 years, it became the primary method used in the US to kill birds, and has increasingly replaced the ventilation shutdown method where airways in the facility are shutdown.
If you think that sounds bad, the foam method is even worse. It’s so bad, I decided not to show photos or video. Foam is piped into the birds’ housing facility. It slowly encroaches on the birds; they swallow it and it suffocates them, but until then, the birds panic trying to get away from the foam.
This is a horrific practice and completely unnecessary since the birds are tested via the very unreliable PCR test. If one bird tests positive, they kill millions. This is disgusting and needs to stop. Hear what America’s Farmer, Joel Salatin, has to say about this here, courtesy of Sayer Ji’s amazing substack:
I don’t understand why somebody or some agency or something can’t stop this genocide already. This is disgusting. RFK Junior is supposed to be helping and I sure hope he helps with this. He also needs to consult with you to stop production of all vaccines. This is so sad Makes me sick to my stomach and wanna cry reading about it. So sad to do that to innocent birds when is it going to stop and how can we stop it?😣😣😡😡
This torture of animals is so BEYOND heartbreaking and evil!!! How twisted and heartless does someone have to be to do this to a living creature? 😠😔❤️❤️❤️