Former CDC Director under Trump has been dropping bombshells in interviews since November 2024, and most recently in a very revealing interview by Del Bigtree. Here are just a few of the bombshells from Redfield:
COVID-19 “was engineered” in a lab
Fauci was central to the development of the human-engineered virus, and 20 million deaths.
Patients with long Covid really have mRNA vaccine injury
Covid mRNA “vaccines” contain cancer-causing ingredients, e.g. SV40 and contaminating nucleic acids
The FDA also knows these jabs contain DNA contaminants because they confirmed it in their OWN lab studies at the White Oak Campus in Maryland. The “captured regulatory agency” never tested before, but after scientists around the world found DNA contaminants, FDA was forced to do their own study. What they found was shocking levels of DNA contamination exceeding the regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times.
Watch Del’s full 3-hour interview here.
News sources for Redfield and FDA study
We’re long past the time to challenge the vaccine dogma.
Won’t you join me? Here is a primer to get you started.
My book is available on (ebook) and Amazon (ebook and paperback).
Please. Please.Dr. Tenpenny. And any other doctors and scientists. Please write Trump about this. Send him all the info. Ask when the vax are goinf to be stopped. Made illegal. And the chemical.companies sued and jailed.??!! (Pfizer. Moderna. Etc). Ask when America is going to be The Smartest again. The Most Enlightened Again. And a True World Leader Again a Force for Good.
MAGIA.(Make America A Good Influence Again)
MASA. (Make America Safe Again). And MAWA. (MAKE America WISE Again) . Make America Chemical free. This is worse than Fentanyl by 100x. Than Heroin or cocaine!
And protect its people and ban and criminalize dangerous drugs (which the vaccines are)! Stop being '3rd world country' backwards in her actions. Make it, America the Beautiful, Again. And as other said Make America Godly Again.
Everybody write President Trump and keep praying for him. God saved his life for a reason. Ask The Commander In Chief to stop this War! And RFKjr. And write Dr. Battycharda. And Peter Hegseth. Etc. (This is warfare against the American people on a scale bigger than anyone can yet.fathom) IT IS war!!!
And thank you for this article and your work.!!