Why does Protect Our Care (POC), which on the surface is fighting for “affordable healthcare for all”, have a “Stop RFK War Room” to fight his HHS nomination? Publicly, they blame him for being an anti-vaxxer, but there is a deeper motive beneath the surface.
His promise to not only uproot systemic corruption, but also tackle the chronic disease epidemic, is a direct challenge to the pharmaceutical-driven healthcare system. POC’s leadership is focused on fiercly protecting the status quo —profit and the unseemly alliance that keeps money flowing between Big Pharma, FDA government regulators, and advocacy groups like POC.
And who is part of POC leadership? They are people deeply embedded in the same systems RFK Jr. wants to reform. People like Kathleen Sebelius, herself a former HHS secretary. What is she doing now? She is a current board member for several pharmaceutical companies.
After all, nothing says “unbiased” like collecting paychecks from the industry you used to regulate. And that is why POC has a war room focused on the riddance of RFK Jr. as their top priority.
Special thanks to my friend Robert Scott Bell for bringing this to our attention. Read his full article here.
The people like this Kathleen Sebelius and all the revolving door bureaucrats who now are fed by Big Pharma deserve no quarter - they should ALL be prosecuted for their parts in these crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated at the expense of American parents and children while these a$$holes enriched themselves. I am done playing nice with these people.
Mr. Kennedy believes that more needs to be done to tell the truth about vaccines because vaccines are dangerous. He is not an anti-vaxxer (not that there is anything wrong with that), but I am - and I am proud of it. For decades, we have all been told the most outrageous lies about vaccines because vaccines make huge profits for Big Pharma and the medical profession. Yes, what we are told is lies.
As the father of two vaccine-injured sons, currently ages 28 and 25, I have spent more than 20 years researching and reading everything I can find on vaccines.
I could write pages on what I have learned, but I will keep it short.
First and foremost, the entire ‘science’ behind vaccines is a lie and a fraud.
Vaccines not only almost always don’t help anyone, but they are very dangerous.
Every vaccine made contains at least one toxin/neurotoxin, and some contain as many as six.
Among these are mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, squalene, polysorbate 80, and the list goes on.
Those substances do not belong in the human body, and there is no safe level for any of them.
Big Pharma is corrupt to the core and controls the NIH/CDC/FDA, which are nothing more than the marketing arm of Big Pharma.
And Big Pharma controls all of the medical/dental/nursing schools, brainwashing and indoctrinating all of our medical professionals into believing that drugs are the answer to all disease, illnesses, and conditions.
This is the legacy of Old Man Rockefeller taking over the medical system in this country more than a century ago so he could push petroleum-derived drugs and become even richer.
People need to learn about all of these things, and the entire medical/health system in this country needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch.